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Ok, so Wayne needs to depart, I think we've all established that, but who in their right mind would want to come to us? If the board can't or won't offer a new candidate some incentives to do the job and drag this sorry mess up by it's boot straps, then we are finished in league two, possibly finished altogether. Wayne was the cheap option so it seems, but the board in their infinite wisdom offered him a two year deal! Did they really believe that he was capable of a mid-table finish after losing FOUR of our best players from last season and replacing them with mediocre journeymen (I know I'm being kind!) it's insane. We all knew Abu and Billy would go, that was a given, but i find it an absolute disgrace how they let Doey and Luke slip away to Boreham. I'm not sticking up for Wayne here far from it, I think he got lucky last season and should have been moved on when his contract was up. His signings have been shockingly bad as our performances have so far shown, the league table doesn't lie. But the blame should be shared equally, the boards match made in heaven in having Wayne at the helm via the cheap option is backfiring at an alarming rate as he is simply out of his depth. We're nearly a quarter of the way in to the season now and unless things are changed and quickly, we will go down, possibly never to return. I don't like to see anyone lose their job, but if by some miracle Wayne should depart, can you lot follow him!
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Let's get this right, Burnett is not a cheap option he no doubt earns a decent wage or he would have already been sacked. I'm sure he was aware Mr Still was on £100k a year and probably earns close £75k a year himself.

I don't believe we are paying Nosworthy less than what we offered Doe, massive error to not give Doey a little rise to keep him happy or was he already off after the way Wayne treated him last year?
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I think we'll come good.If wed had won Saturday nobody would've moaned.Maybe we'd have pointed out again that our defence is still a bit shambolic and that Ferdinand is shite. We are a midfielder or 2 and a stronger centre half than Dikamona away from being ok. We aint going down.Nobody in this league would do any better with these tools.

Now if you want to talk about club ambition,then I am sure Wayne Burnett is not the man to be singled out here.The club have sanctioned all our decent players moving on and its the club that demands no more than 22nd from its manager.Wayne will give us that.That don't mean Im happy about things but you have to be realistic.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
The Romford Dagger
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ARNU wrote:I think we'll come good.If wed had won Saturday nobody would've moaned.Maybe we'd have pointed out again that our defence is still a bit shambolic and that Ferdinand is shite. We are a midfielder or 2 and a stronger centre half than Dikamona away from being ok. We aint going down.Nobody in this league would do any better with these tools.

Now if you want to talk about club ambition,then I am sure Wayne Burnett is not the man to be singled out here.The club have sanctioned all our decent players moving on and its the club that demands no more than 22nd from its manager.Wayne will give us that.That don't mean Im happy about things but you have to be realistic.
The fact is Arnu, we're not winning. All the time we lose tje sides around us are picking up some pts. We can't carry on in the hope he comes good.
bloke down the pub
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Are we still a members club ?

Who picks the Board ?

How meny on the board ?

Do you know who they are ?
DI Mike Dashwood
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My understanding is that the Club is now a hybrid of a Members Club and a Limited Company. Many Clubs (down to Non league Clubs and recreational Sports Clubs) take this set up now. It is for financial liability reasons best to have the Limited Company status, but in many instances Clubs have a Board (with actual Directors) and a Committee (not solely made up of actual Directors) who make a lot of the day to day decisions.

I am not aware exactly how it works at D and R, but my understanding is the Board (but whether this is the Board or a Committee) is made up of 9 people.

I believe most of the names of these people are on the inside of the programme each week (Simmo may be able to confirm that)??
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List of the Board Members etc can be found here:
bloke down the pub
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The Romford Dagger wrote:
ARNU wrote:I think we'll come good.If wed had won Saturday nobody would've moaned.Maybe we'd have pointed out again that our defence is still a bit shambolic and that Ferdinand is shite. We are a midfielder or 2 and a stronger centre half than Dikamona away from being ok. We aint going down.Nobody in this league would do any better with these tools.

Now if you want to talk about club ambition,then I am sure Wayne Burnett is not the man to be singled out here.The club have sanctioned all our decent players moving on and its the club that demands no more than 22nd from its manager.Wayne will give us that.That don't mean Im happy about things but you have to be realistic.
The fact is Arnu, we're not winning. All the time we lose tje sides around us are picking up some pts. We can't carry on in the hope he comes good.
We're in the relegation zone by one point. I'm with Arnu. Everyone needs to calm down.
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Calm down? this has been going on for 2 and a half years and people have had enough. People are not coming to watch us due to the current scenario if we just leave it we could be left without a club.
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Yea, this about the bigger picture not that we appear to be in the doo doo again for the 3rd season running under this manager.

A number of long standing fans are refusing to come - including said Arnu who is openly refusing to come while this current management team remain in charge.

If the club can stay calm while that is going on then good luck to em
bloke down the pub
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I fell a U-Turn comming on. NO W.B. OUT
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The number of home fans against Notts County must be one of the lowest ever since we joined the league. The decline will continue until someone is appointed who will unite us all again and get a bit of fire in the players bellies.

I used to love the occasional away game as well as every home game, but I have given up on the away games and have only been to two home games this season.

More and more people around me are voting with their feet, and unless something happens to the club by the end of the season, I will not be renewing my pair of season tickets.

What real commercial business would have given Wayne a two year deal in the summer!

The old gang of pals who run the club will probably still be in charge when the lights are turned off for the last time.

Such a pity after our promotion to Division 1 a few years ago.
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dagger4eva wrote:Yea, this about the bigger picture not that we appear to be in the doo doo again for the 3rd season running under this manager.

A number of long standing fans are refusing to come - including said Arnu who is openly refusing to come while this current management team remain in charge.

If the club can stay calm while that is going on then good luck to em
I haven't said I wont be attending anywhere on this forum.I said Daggers have the added problem next season of retaining people like me who might well get a similarly priced season ticket at West ham.I have a few moans like everyone else but none of it will stop me attending this season.Waynes got a whole new team again,some of them are lemons but I didn't notice any lack of effort apart from kane Ferdinand bottling tackles on Saturday.We have a defensive problem and a midfield problem to solve.Once that's done then mid table mediocrity is our destination.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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I didnt say u had said it anywhere on this forum...

On twitter however ......
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