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So I ask again. If 20 People were involved why was this not heard by The Stewards and acted upon.

In light of the statement issued by Mr Thompson yesterday afternoon I would have thought they would have been well briefed in such matters.

So at least 4 People are now not telling the truth.

No action by the Stewards

The Kid sat there and took the abuse.

Dear oh dear somebody is being hoodwinked here me thinks.
Last edited by SUSSEX DAGGER on Wed Sep 14, 2016 10:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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I appreciate there's a small chance as Tamplin's lot say it happened repeatedly, but there's always the chance Tamplin Jr/the U14s mis-heard/mis-understood the chanting. Doesn't necessarily mean they were lying.

Of course, it could just be that they were.
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As a keen football fan for 45 years I've seen some pretty moronic things done by fans in that time. I was in the sieve so can't be of any assistance in this instance but I wouldn't be surprised if this did happen. People still merrily sing about Phil brown and paedophilia even though they're 2 leagues above us. ******** morons at the Everton game last year chanting about Madeleine McCann and hills borough and West Yorkshire police being alright really. So forgive me if I suspect there maybe some truth to this. There are some 42 carat full on imbeciles in our midst and we all know it.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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Although I agree with ARNUs sentiments, Tamplin and his entourage are not shy of telling bare faced lies.

Such as accusing the Protesting 60 that they were scratching a white jag.... !!!
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yep can confirm this is a load of cobblers,we sit up there now with our new ST`s and there was never anything said or sung about GT is son or anybody else.I was appalled by the after match events on Saturday myself and would have been very angry if this would have resurfaced.In fact there was one kid who did drive me mad a bit,but that was he kept calling out `iron`!
Oh and congrats john and the boys another great performance and three points.
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From the sieve, I couldn't help but notice the group of kids tried to sit in the front rows reserved for sponsors or hospitality. Were eventually moved on, hung around the tunnel, moved on, a few sat in the dugouts, moved on, climbing over barriers, moved on.

I would suggest that Tamplin should have arranged supervision of the kids by someone, he carts enough hangers on around with him and seems to have acquired a few more.
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Totally made up. No idea why anyone would come out with lies like this. All this mud slinging is getting pretty tedious on both sides
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Leopardman wrote:Totally made up. No idea why anyone would come out with lies like this. All this mud slinging is getting pretty tedious on both sides
Its obvious why anything to make the protesters look bad even though there was no protest last night. Anything to worm his way in. The kid was planted in front of the most vocal section of our support in a Tamplin shirt. It was a set up and some people who have fell for it should know better.

I don't buy the misheard the chants nonsense its was clear we were supporting the team.

The takeover is ripping the club apart. Just get on with it.
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It might be a conspiracy theory but....

I think the kid in the Tamplin shirt was told to sit in front of the vocal 'daggers' supporters by the man himself.

Motif..... To get a reaction and to start the protests.... which (I was in the sieve so cant comment), I'm led to believe by the posts Ive read, didn't happen.
DI Mike Dashwood
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But if that protest or abuse had started, what would Tamplin gain from this?? Why would he want it to happen if they are protesting against him?? It's like Nick Clegg and David Cameron encouraging a demonstration against tuition fees??

I think (hope) this is maybe down to a mis-understanding or something like that. Everyone seems to have a conspiracy theory about everything on here at the moment!!
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Surely it is in Tamplin's interests for the protestors to get caught abusing a teenage boy as it makes them look like slack brained idiots who should be ignored and may generate him some sympathy.

I'm not necessarily saying this is a set up or that abuse did or didn't happen.
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utter nonsense we (myself and 2 boys) sat a few rows back and no songs or anything where said. why would there be? the kid is not important at all.

great parenting that tho, for me if i was involved in buying something that i was not popular i would not send my teenage son in unsupervised to lord it up in front of people. basically sticking two fingers up. infact id go and have a chat with them myself.

utter bollocks and i feel insulted.
but we finished 9th!
Shoebury Dagger
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For Background, I am middle-aged, I have been coming to Daggers since 2005, ST holder for the past 3 seasons, currently in TBS

Due to the confusing/conflicting nature of the information re any take overs I have no strong feelings either way, so no axe to grind with any side on this.

I was in the TBS last night with my son, seated 1 row from the back. Like most others we saw the arrival of the younger youth team kitted out in Daggers kit with names on their backs, including Mstr Tamplin. Where they sat was between myself and a lot of the action on the pitch, so they were in my line of sight for a fair proportion of the game.

We arrived at our seats around 7pm, and apart from a half time comfort break, and the last few minutes spent viewing from the railings at the front, were in our seats the entire time.

The only reference I heard all evening to Mr Tamplin was one person shouting 'Tamplin out' which was hot on the heels of a Jonny Still Got No Hair chant. It was clearly a well timed light hearted poke at the comments made by John Still at the weekend, and it received a few laughs. Everything else I heard from the singers was aimed at supporting the team (Good job by the way to all those contributing). I heard nothing that could be construed as anything close to abusive to any of Mr.Tampling (& Jnr) / consortium members / Thommo etc. just good solid support.

That's my tuppence on the subject.
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This sounds ridiculous and the more I hear about this Tamplin bloke the less I like him. Having said that I was part of the protests in 1992 to stop the merger and a certain Dave Andrews was portrayed by many as an evil dictator who destroyed clubs for fun and would eventually kill off Dagenham. 24 years on and I can't thank the fella enough for some of the best moments of my life. #justsaying
Broom Broom Broom - Let me hear you say Wayo - Wayo!
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So no Steward intervention,despite I would imagine being briefed to the hilt to stamp on any form of protest.

At least 6 People know saying they heard nothing all seated in or around these Chikdren.

We the jury find the complaint friverlous and vexatious me Lord .

lies lies lies nothing more
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