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During the summer I'm often down Upminster Cricket Club on a Friday with my nephew. They open the bar but rarely put their proper beer (generally Doombar or Greene King) through the pumps I guess because they know they won't get through a whole barrel, instead it's pint bottles in the fridge. Maybe the club needs to think of doing this more, It's not the same as draft but at least it ain't a gut rotter of a pint and what doesn't sell will keep.
DI Mike Dashwood
Posts: 641
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BR, I will have to look for you over at UCC on a Friday night. I am over there most Fridays. Just to explain on the beer front, the reason for the Greene King not being on on Friday nights is varied. One of main reasons is that we have parents helping behind the bar on Fridays and a lot struggle with pulling bitter meaning a lot of wastage and a lot of badly/slowly pulled pints. As we have long queues already, as you will have seen, we opt for the bottles of bitter for most part to keep things moving and to save wastage.

I was going to also comment that I can't believe how this topic has become solely about the quality of beer in the bars, but I guess wirh my reply to BR I have taken it even more off topic!!!
Posts: 174
Joined: Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:13 am

The fact that we are discussing the sub standards of drink and food on match days the question must be asked what is the commercial manager at the club is doing about it, or is he or she not responsible?
DI Mike Dashwood
Posts: 641
Joined: Thu Nov 28, 2013 7:56 pm

I believe these things are looked after separately, but not sure of the reporting lines of these people.

I think the Commercial Manager looks after the hospitality, tickets and merchandise while there is a separate manager for the balls, halls and hall hire?? Catering as already explained by DD is simply contracted out.

Is interesting that a few weeks ago everybody expressed their worries about to much change and people losing jobs etc whereas now everyone is saying things need a shake up?? Hopefully the change in structure will Shake things up but give those currently in roles the chance to show their ideas and abilities
Posts: 174
Joined: Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:13 am

On the issue of contracting out, someone at the club in the past arranged for these burger bars to trade on site, so now that people are dissatisfied with the quality being dished up surely this person should look into the quality being served and also as previously mentioned the health and safety standards i.e.. the rules relating to head wear when serving food, lets hope Mr Tamplin checks out the persons responsible for the overall quality of food and drink being served as this is definitely one area that could improve the revenue at the club.
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Don't think problems with the beer should be pinned on the commercial manager. There is a bar manager and he should be held responsible for what beers are sold, how much for and whether they are served in an acceptable condition. For what it's worth though I drink cider in the downstairs bar whenever I'm not driving and I've never had a problem with it.
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As somebody who has a bit of knowledge on the matter is the beer beer served upstairs served from the same celler as the one downstairs ?

If it is then I would imagine that there is a far bit of exspense with wastage everytime you clean the lines. False economey really as there is no excuse as their is cheap soloution to this problem.

The Club I run was approached by a firm about 6 years ago , they convinced us to try a systeam out that involves putting magnets on the beer lines . This stops the build up of yeast fermenting in the beer line , the same principle is found in the engines of cars I am given to understand. As a consequences the labourous and costly job of cleaning lines has been reduced and the beer has been perfect As the Person who use to do the line cleaning each week or earlier if a certain amount of kegs had been put through I was very sceptical and took a bit of convincing. The firm come in once a month and clean the lines other then me sometimes doing it twice in a week and as I say it's perfect as sales have proved.

Sounds to me as if these methods are not being used and if the beer is being stored dorment in a beer line for any length of time then it's no wonder the quality of the product is being affected .
Posts: 174
Joined: Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:13 am

Bar staff or management take notice clean the lines please, from another Sussex dagger.
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