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Dagenham92 wrote:More and more idiots and coming to our games and giving our club an awful name and nothing is being done about it. The club really needs to grow a pair and start banning people.
The club hands are tied as they can only ban fans from our ground as a banning order from the courts are the only way to stop any fans from our and other club`s travelling to away games.
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Not been on this for a long long time
So here goes ...All you mindless idiots giving our club a bad name simply ****** off !!! Dont want ya dont need ya ..Banter at games great cross the line at poor unfortunate fans from other teams is not welcomed.if it kicks off innocent fans with young kids will be involved ...i dont hide behind forums you can discuss it with me anytime .i did not stand up to a monster taking over our club to let little boys give it a bad name.
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dagger4eva wrote:I just wanted to apologise to Matt/Admin for the tone of the initial post. I wrote it angrily in the heat of what was going on and was wrong to snap at him.

For those interested - some Eastleigh fans have views on today. ... genham-red
Last edited by SUSSEX DAGGER on Sat Aug 12, 2017 11:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Dagger4eva - no problem, we spoke about in person on the way back, it's all good.

Anyway, I'm not going to say too much more in regards to the incident (certainly not publicly anyway)
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Would imagine that the trouble makers were the same kids from Eastleigh that kicked off last year and sit in a certain part of the TBS and get into trouble there on occasions. I would also imagine that if anyone savvy enough with Twitter or that conference "banter page" on Facebook would be able to find them joking about it.

Admin- just because you're the admin you shouldn't feel the need to hide your opinions. This isn't a forum anyone should be taking serious enough to the point where there must be an unopinionated admin running the show.
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I wasn't there so can't comment on the actual incident, but surely with the small numbers at these matches those who have watched football factory to many times should be easy to identify and ban. I'll defend a bit of youthful exuberance but going to football to shout abuse at people behind the "safety" of police and stewards is beyond my comprehension. What a waste of a Saturday.
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NBDag wrote:Would imagine that the trouble makers were the same kids from Eastleigh that kicked off last year and sit in a certain part of the TBS and get into trouble there on occasions. I would also imagine that if anyone savvy enough with Twitter or that conference "banter page" on Facebook would be able to find them joking about it.

Admin- just because you're the admin you shouldn't feel the need to hide your opinions. This isn't a forum anyone should be taking serious enough to the point where there must be an unopinionated admin running the show.
I take your point but my view is I want us fans to be a unit and be loyal to each other. Based on that view, I'm staying impartial
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I don't get to go to anything like the number of games I'd like to, but it didn't take long to realise who the select few were that either get thrown out or on the verge of it at so many games. Let's face it, 4 stewards was it today for the main stand? If they had the level of staffing the chances are they would have been out again.

I also saw from a bit further away, a chap in a white shirt just casually and nonchalantly destroy the seat in front of him - this in one of the calmer stages of the game too. The whole thing though was unbelievable really and a great shame. Leaves a bitter taste for what was a very entertaining game. I stood in the terraces in the game against them last year but moved this time to the seating to be closer to the atmosphere - not sure it was worth it now.

I overheard one of the stewards after the game talking to one of our apologetic fans - apparently the small group of Eastleigh fans in the corner are rather provocative to most away fans, which doesn't help the issue either.
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Reading the Eastleigh forum and a man has come forward claiming to be attacked by our fans. Only thing is that the bloke is clearly an idiot as he admits to "giving banter" back to these stupid kids. Why anyone would do that in front of their young kid, especially to a group looking for trouble, is beyond me.

Also managed to find the same bloke on twitter and he claims he has the whole accident on tape and even the name of one of our fans involved. Hopefully the police can use that to hand out some banning orders. Another little side note is that this bloke is also saying that he wants to sue the club for what happened as their stewards didn't do their job properly. Hopefully any claim he makes against Eastleigh gets chucked out when they see that he was also being a prat by chucking fuel on the flames.
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admin wrote:
NBDag wrote:Would imagine that the trouble makers were the same kids from Eastleigh that kicked off last year and sit in a certain part of the TBS and get into trouble there on occasions. I would also imagine that if anyone savvy enough with Twitter or that conference "banter page" on Facebook would be able to find them joking about it.

Admin- just because you're the admin you shouldn't feel the need to hide your opinions. This isn't a forum anyone should be taking serious enough to the point where there must be an unopinionated admin running the show.
I take your point but my view is I want us fans to be a unit and be loyal to each other. Based on that view, I'm staying impartial
Are you impartial though?
From what I've seen you've tried to hide reports of the actions of these idiots, sort of defended them and when invited to condemn their actions you skirted around it.
I notice that couple of posts have changed since last night as well.

Why do you want anyone to be loyal to these morons?
They don't deserve it and should only be treated with the contempt that they deserve. They are not true supporters of Dagenham & Redbridge.
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Adrian - yes I am 100% impartial. All I've attempted to do by running this page is what I genuinely feel is best for the club. What do I gain from running the forum, nothing, I do this for free and I have a busy life of my own. Myself and the moderators run this website out of love of the club. We don't actually have to do this if we don't want to but we do to help the club not hinder.

I'll be honest, I was at one stage planning on pulling the whole thread. Let's get one thing clear, if had of done that, the reports would have still got around, there are plenty of other platforms for that. On top of which people on here would have spoken out against me for doing so.

The reason I didn't pull the thread is basically the bloke who started the thread actually came and spoke to me in person and said that I should give fans a true platform to discuss things, I took it on board and changed my mind.

The reason I've remained impartial is for 2 reasons.

1. If I have a problem with someone, I'll discuss it man to man
2. Say for example I held one or more parties to blame, by publicly slagging them has an affect on their lives. I'm simply not going to get involved in something which isn't my place
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Personally, I don't see how sweeping this under the carpet helps or supports the club or that it's something to be impartial about.

We are where we are because poor behaviour has been excused as "bants" and allowed to escalate. It needs to be out in the open. The perpetrators need to be identified and banned.
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Maybe we should all discuss wether we want D&R to remain a family club. If yes probably we wont go on condoning behaviour that would clearly fly in the face of that ideal.
If no,well wave racist flags call everyone C****,Pedo,Sexist racist homophobic names and all fight the opposing fans who come to our ground,abuse the handicapped and pass it off as banter.

Honestly ive been to Millwall and they are really good at it over there.Probably should go and follow them if option 2 is your favoured position.

Just a few ground rules really.I do like a bit of banter but its knowing the difference between jokes and being out of order.

Bit of language and the odd funny song never hurt anyone I don't suppose but we do have some that do think they are F-Troop LOL!!
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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Maybe Poll it Arnu?
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I can't believe family club would be the losing choice . Not sure how you do a poll.
The question should be do we want to be a family friendly club or thug club like millwall ?
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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