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Auntie Merge
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Yesterday at Stevenage FC apparently the female Grimsby supporters were required to show their bras if the wire in them set off the metal detectors.

Now as much as we might all joke, think this is funny, if this happens to you at an away ground
1) Refuse. It does not form part of an acceptable search before entry into a football ground.
2) Regardless of whether it's a male or female steward, it may be classed as a sexual assault.

I know Stevenage are in the football league and we currently are not (sob) I thought we should all be made aware of the right to refuse/assault part.

IMO Stevenage have a lot of explaining to do.
@TooGoodToGoDown: Female #gtfc fan told to show her bra by a @StevenageFC steward today so they could check the wire! Absolutely lost for words.
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Shocking if true and this should be highlighted Auntie Merge to a wider audience.
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Auntie Merge
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SUSSEX DAGGER wrote:Shocking if true and this should be highlighted Auntie Merge to a wider audience.
Sadly it is true. It's all over twitter and the Grimsby Telegraph have picked up the story, so I'm guessing it will be picked up by the national press tomorrow.
http://www.grimsbytelegraph.co.uk/news/ ... age-352599
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I can't believe you'd get away with that!!! It couldn't of been sanctioned by the club surely. Whoever Is responsible must be expecting a visit from the local constabulary, it's basically sexual assault.
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Auntie Merge
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****** mine, if that is all true it's pretty shocking. I didn't realise Grimsby fans were a risk, and why have a female steward in the men's bogs?? You wouldn't have a male one the ladies. Although, judging by their pesty behaviour maybe they did. I'd like to know how the meeting to decide all this went?? "Shall we get the ladies to flash their thrups in front of everyone and stick a lady in the men's? You know, mix it up a bit?" "Brilliant idea dave. What could go wrong?"

You couldn't make it up!!!
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