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I'm sure most of the money made goes to subsidising the coaches for away matches to enable as many people to get to away games and support the boys. The coach prices are very very cheap compared to most clubs, but most of them are run by clubs directly only interested in making a profit.
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Let’s put all blame and grievances to one side and go back a few seasons when by and large most supporters were a relatively happy bunch, I am using this post to try and define being a member of a club.
We had Full Members who paid to become a member, had the right to vote at AGM or EGM, were issued with at least one balance sheet per year and received priveleged info on updates at the Football Club that non member Season Ticket holders or Pay on the gate Supporters were not. Can’t recall many people raising issues with any of that.

We also had a Supporters Club who when you paid your annual fee gave you rights to vote at AGM or EGM, were issued with at least one balance sheet per year and were given updates about the Supporter Club that non member Season Ticket holders or Pay on the gate Supporters were not. There was and is a discount for Club Members on coach travel and on occasions when the coach was likely to be over subscribed, a priority booking system. Can’t recall many people raising issues with any of that.

There are volunteers who are not members of the Supporters Club who maybe clean the ground during the week or some sell 50/50 tickets or help run the 250 Club on behalf of the club.

A non football scenario. I am a member of a Working Mans Club that for an annual fee I get the all the benefits that a Full Member of this football club get from my club, I get priority on any events that are likely to be over subscribed or members only events. I pay a little extra for a CIU affiliate card which gives me free admission to any UK Working Mans Club. And here is the BUT.. (and I have asked at the club I attend the most, which is not the club at which I am member). I am not allowed to know the membership numbers, new and lapsed member numbers, the financial situation of the club or any employee wage or duties performed and I cannot attend members only events or meetings or members draw/raffles etc.
I am happy with those terms. Can anyone on this forum honestly say that they wouldn’t be.
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That Round Thing.

Those terms appear to be perfectly straight forward and rather agreeable.

However, I've had a quick scan of the SC website and unless I've viewed a site that is out of date, I can't see any information like that on the site apart from, not being rude, but a poorly photocopied piece of A4 that has been scanned in, it states the benefits are;
  • Free associate / social membership for the clubhouse
  • Preferential ticket allocation for cup games
  • Discount coach travel
  • Discounted ticket to SC social functions
  • Automatic entry to a monthly raffle
I'm not able to find information on any other rights a full member would have. I feel, and it looks like most would agree, the SC needs to be more open and welcoming to non members, am I the only that sees it as clique?

I agree though, we all need to put blame and grievances behind us and move forward for the best of the club and the fans.
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I think you are correct in that the SC site is out of date. For most of their life the SC did not run a website. I think I am correct in assuming that a lapsed member set up a site originally, hence no recent updates. I emphasise assume, I am not a member.
The football club itself used to collect a nominal matchday entrance fee for the clubhouse from Home and Away supporters that were neither Season Ticket Holders or Supporters Club Members. I am led to believe the clubhouse is now free to all on matchdays.

My opinion and the point I was trying to make that whatever membership someone pays into then members normally do have certain rights of information that “outsiders” or non members are excluded from. I would love full disclosure on the football club’s current and previous finances but I am not a Full Member so don’t expect to see them.
My non football membership scenario is that I moved house so attend a club which is a £6 cab ride as opposed to £20+. I have also built up many bonus years at my original WMC to qualify for pensioner membership discount which I have only just celebrated. 👌
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ThatRoundThing wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 2:27 pm

The football club itself used to collect a nominal matchday entrance fee for the clubhouse from Home and Away supporters that were neither Season Ticket Holders or Supporters Club Members. I am led to believe the clubhouse is now free to all on matchdays.
That is the case indeed, the club house is free to all now.

If the SC were to reach out for new members, I think it'd be likely that they'd get at least one person whom knows their way around a website and can actually build something that the football club, the SC and the fans would be proud to be a part of or linked to. In the world of social media, your online presence is vital and I feel at times the club and the SC lets itself down on that.

You're bang on though about the rights members should hope to enjoy though, and the SC needs to promote this as a benefit of being a member.

Also congratulations on reaching the milestone, I've some way to go before I can celebrate that!
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All agreed an Thanks..
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