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Re: RIP Simmo

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 7:44 pm
by hockley dagger
Awful and shocking news. RIP Simmo

Re: RIP Simmo

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 7:48 pm
by DI Mike Dashwood
Totally shocked and saddened to see this news today.

Simmo was part of the furniture at Victoria Road in my time watching and following the Club. Always stopped and had a chat at home games or away games, in the bar or at stations up and down the country as we followed the club. Always honest and upfront and always wanted what he thought was best for the club. Would always have a laugh with our group when doing the photos in the lounge after the games we sponsored, and I also remember him delivering me and my mate two bags of chicken and chips which had gone uneaten by the players and staff on the train back from Doncaster after a 0-0 draw many moons ago. Great times for the club in that era and Simmo was very much a part of that.

Was saddened how his involvement at the Club came to an end and am absolutely devastated to read this today. Condolences to all of his family and friends. RIP Simmo.

Re: RIP Simmo

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 7:54 pm
by SNewell
Sad news today I just can’t believe it. It was Dave who asked me to help out in the press box in 1998 of course I said yes straight away and worked with him for 12 years in the press team along with my press buddy Rob Newton. I enjoyed every minute working with Dave and we had so many laughs and lovely memories during that time. I will never forget those days and it was a pleasure being his friend. After I left the press team Dave ended up working in the same building as me at Canary Wharf so had many lunches talking about the Daggers and football. My condolences to his family and friends.


Re: RIP Simmo

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 11:24 am
by Auntie Merge
There is an online Book of Condolence if you’d like to share your comments with Dave’s family.

Re: RIP Simmo

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 6:25 am
by Rustydagger
Sad day, such a nice guy. We had a thing in common as we were both Sports Photographers. He even got me pitch side for a couple of games some years ago. Always had time for a chat, not only a nice guy but a good 'Tog too. RIP Dave

Re: RIP Simmo

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 6:10 pm
by Auntie Merge
Just a reminder that the Book of Condolence will close at 12:00 on Friday, 2nd October 2020 and will be given to Dave’s
family the following week.