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Re: Waynes Meltdown.

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 11:47 am
by dagger4eva
the thing is, I tend to agree fully with the comments in the final para of the Post article...

“I said to the players: “What do you think?” And they explained to me what they felt and I couldn’t have agreed more. We looked nervous, panicky, like no-one wanted to spend time on the ball and that is so unlike us and you can probably sense my frustration.”

I didn't come away from the downbeat but certainly wasnt buzzing after the win. The attendance was poor, the atmosphere was poorer and the performance was bang average. The 3 points were fantastic.

Lets move on and worry about how we will take on the league leaders! If the season was a boxing match.......

Re: Waynes Meltdown.

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 1:44 pm
Well,Wayne's sort of regretted what he said in his Daggers player interview this morning,then stood by it a bit but I am pleased he at least acknowledges he went a bit OTT.He didn't really explain what it was the players did wrong or what else he wanted from them only "more",even told the girl interviewing him she was more positive than him.The leaving Oberfemi on when injured was jointly his fault and Oberfemi's for saying he was ok to carry on which is also how I saw it.Femi2 signalled he was ok when we all knew he probably wasn't.

Im your biggest fan Wayne but don't get trapped in the John Still copyrighted talk bollocks in interviews with the media.Admitting your own failings (That Radio interview was a mistake but clearly you were consumed by the passion of it all) wont hurt you and we love a bit of passion after every game however disappointed you/we are.Your doing great things with these boys and I reckon you'll get us to Lg1 this season if you carry on the same way.Id have like to have seen you that passionate after our home defeat to York last season though when we truly were pathetic in a game that really did matter.I blame Stilly for that one and have supported you throughout (well you went back to hoofball for a bit that was testing)As I've said before we all know what a pathetic Dagenham performance looks like,we've had the last 2 years of it under Stilly to measure it by.Saturdays performance was more than acceptable to me and Im a moaner apparently.I was the one who shouted Cheer up Wayne after your little outburst on the pitch by the way.

Any game we win 2-0 (With a 3rd ruled out for offside),with a superb goal with the build up it had,a clean sheet,passing that provokes us into shouting "Olay" with every touch and a defensive performance that gets praised on the telly is ok by me.Dont give yourself such a hard time fella.Now sign a new 3 yr contract and get us a roof over the Bury Road end.

Re: Waynes Meltdown.

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:31 pm
ARNU wrote:I watched the full highlights on Daggers player 3 times now and I still cant see what WB's problem is/was.I say it again,I left happy as Larry having watched a home win where we scored 3 times (1 disallowed),Lewy pulled off 2 or 3 decent saves and the commentator praised our defensive performance.At the end we were passing it about and shouting out "Olay" with every kick.Since when did going down to 10 men ever guarantee an avalanche.Its well known that teams try that much harder when they lose a man and I cant point to any 1 player that didn't get stuck in yesterday.Im glad WB has very high standards its what Ive bleated on about us needing for ages.I just cant see where pathetic comes into it.I bet he apologises for his heat of the moment loss of temper,I think he should,cos as one of our harshest critics I cant see it.

I wouldn't doubt if after he saw the DVD of the game he changed his tune. As a coach for an American football team, I know that your first instinct IN a game is to believe the team is not performing well, especially when they don't win as you think they should, but once you look at the tape, your tune changes.

Re: Waynes Meltdown.

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:10 pm
by davei
ARNU wrote "I'm your biggest fan Wayne"

Watch out Arnu, when chicken shit Vindelot plucks up enough courage to re-surface, he might hold that one against you.........

Re: Waynes Meltdown.

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:54 pm
by HogansHeros
All over the bbc sport website for our league

Re: Waynes Meltdown.

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 7:43 pm
davei wrote:ARNU wrote "I'm your biggest fan Wayne"

Watch out Arnu, when chicken shit Vindelot plucks up enough courage to re-surface, he might hold that one against you.........
I think Vindelot already knows that davei.Anyway he dosent Jake Reed to persecute anymore.Also he went very quiet about win ratio's and Zavon Hines not being all that.When you've lost so many arguments in quick succession it is normal to take a back seat I suppose.3 consecutive defeats he'll be back dont worry.

Re: Waynes Meltdown.

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:45 pm
by davei
Arnu wrote "3 consecutive defeats he'll be back dont worry."

Ha ha, with a vengance no doubt..........

Re: Waynes Meltdown.

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 10:41 pm
by daggersjeff
Hmmmm three consecutive defeats??

Looking at our fixture list.....that could be a long time coming.
