Oxford memories

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Posts: 1735
Joined: Fri Oct 18, 2013 1:39 pm

That was definitely one of my biggest ever missed game regrets, although did see it on the screen at a packed out clubhouse.
The Sloma equaliser really did, I think put the final nail in the Oxford promotion coffin for that season.

Will be missing tomorrow’s game too due to the need for some mega late chrimbo shopping. Will be MORE than happy with a repeat scoreline thought.
Posts: 1198
Joined: Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:33 pm

Be waiting for this one for ages, our biggest test yet, and would absolutely love to feel and witness again a 668 plus away following!
Posts: 1886
Joined: Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:17 pm

Sam Solma... fabulously underrated player!

Brilliant game that night but had absolute kittens when Robbo's 'clearence' went astray for the goal to put Oxford 2-1 ahead... didn't think it was going to be our day after bossing the first half.

That squad we had back then, looking at the names, would have given a good account of themselves in this league looking at this season's performances

dagger4eva wrote: Will be missing tomorrow’s game too due to the need for some mega late chrimbo shopping.
You have 10 days left for that!

Why make up excuses and insult our intelligence. It's fine not go to games. Some peple don't go to any on here!! But had you gone, you may have made the difference, so our loss is your fault! :!:
Posts: 58
Joined: Fri Oct 18, 2013 3:56 pm

Tried, but failed, to spot myself in the celebration photo. Will never forget that night!
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