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Full Members Meeting

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 10:16 pm
by Auntie Merge
I've been passed this information from one of the full members:

Gerry Hanning resigned from the Board at the half yearly members meeting tonight. He said that someone has to take the blame for the way this club has gone over the past two years and seeing as the chairman and MD won't resign then it's best he walks away. He said there are a group of 5 directors sticking together to make sure the chairman and Steve get their way. Dave Bennet said that he's accept his resignation immediately

Very sad to see Gerry Hanning has gone. He was one of the good guys imo and has been with the club from pre merger Walthamstow Avenue days. Always had a lot of respect for him and his opinions..

Re: Full Members Meeting

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 10:32 pm
by bloke down the pub
Shame. But not surprised.

Re: Full Members Meeting

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 12:23 pm
by Dagger83
Why does there have to be blame? Teams get relegated every year. I'm not saying the club have done things perfectly but I'm also not sure they've done anything particularly wrong. They made a decision on the manager, which with hindsight they probably regret, but that's life.

Re: Full Members Meeting

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 1:56 pm
by Mikins
Dagger83 wrote:Why does there have to be blame? Teams get relegated every year. I'm not saying the club have done things perfectly but I'm also not sure they've done anything particularly wrong. They made a decision on the manager, which with hindsight they probably regret, but that's life.
Think its more than just the relegation, its the whole change in the clubs ethos over the last couple of years.

Re: Full Members Meeting

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 8:32 pm
by davei
Dagger 83, it is not about making wrong decisions, it is about continually making wrong decisions.

You site the case of the managerial decisions. Well, perhaps the 1st "mistake" was not relieving JS the first time when things looked grim. The 2nd mistake was once JS was no longer here, after WB's interim period, despite many making mention he was out of his depth he was handed the reins instead of opening things up for greater review.

That done, after 18 months it was clear to everyone, he (WB) was even more out of his depth than previously believed.

Yet the board made renewed his contract, the 3rd mistake. 15 games in to last season, it was clear where the team was heading, yet the board made another (the 4th) mistake by not acting and as the saying goes, no decision is a decision. The end result is we are where we are today.

Decision making is a process that by its very nature, demands accountability and consequences for those decisions. As something of a baseball fan, in that game, there is a saying "3 strikes and you are out". This board have had 4 (at the very least).............