Tamplin strikes again?? (ignore if not interested)

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Taken from Billericay website:

"The expected change in ownership of the club has been further delayed due to some unexpected obstacles.

Steve Kent and Glenn Tamplin remain keen to complete at the soonest opportunity.

We will update when further news is available."

Will this be the 4th takeover involving Tamplin to collapse?

Almost as many failed buy outs as Orient have had managers!
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Auntie Merge
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It's a bit worrying because Billericay have signed at least 5 players based on Tamplin's cash.

But if it doesnt go through, someone should tell him to look on eBay.

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Why you still obsessed with Tamplin ? he gone and forgotten.
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To be fair, the original poster did quite clearly put in the heading to ignore the thread if you're not interested, so I'm not sure how anyone can complain about its topic...
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It was last weeks news anyway! :D
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Auntie Merge
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I'm interested, not obsessed, to see the outcome once he finally gets his hands on a football club. It's fair to say whatever he does somewhere else, he would have done with us.
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Seems he will never get his hands on a football club. He just sweet talks the directors and managers into spending non existent money on players and backroom staff then pretends he left his wallet in the car when someone gets the chip and pin machine out.
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BarkingRambo wrote:Seems he will never get his hands on a football club. He just sweet talks the directors and managers into spending non existent money on players and backroom staff then pretends he left his wallet in the car when someone gets the chip and pin machine out.
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Ever heard of a Ryman Premier League club with a budget of over half a million quid per year??

You have now ....... apparently

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BrexitDagger wrote:Ever heard of a Ryman Premier League club with a budget of over half a million quid per year??

You have now ....... apparently

They get crowds of 250 all above board your honour.

To add he mentioned how we have managed to be self sufficient on crowds of 1300-1400 and manage a wage bill of £1m.
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Mike the Dagger
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Deal done at Billericay apparently.
The deal is done.
Parent Category: News Published: 08 December 2016
I can confirm that the deal is complete.

Glenn Tamplin is now the proud new owner of Billericay Town Football club.

Recently, many people have made enquiries about ownership, but none have demonstrated the same desire and passion as Glenn. I have said many times that if the right person came along I would step aside. I think Glenn IS that person. Even before we completed he brought in new players and has improved the pitch, that kind of passion is just what Billericay Town Fc deserve and need. Welcome Glenn…and enjoy.

Over the years Billericay has become my first team, I still look out for the Spurs results but I no longer follow premiership football as I once did. Its Non-League now and always will be.

The games at Melboure park, that trip to Exeter, Swansea at home, winning the ESC, and our fans singing, “were winning in the rain” at Canvey will stay with me for ever. Billeicay Town Fc is blessed to not only have the complete diehards, but also so many more who have done, or are now doing, “their bit. Long may it continue

To those who messaged, emailed & spoke to Sharon and myself with thanks and kind words over the past few weeks, we are humbled and you have our sincere thanks.

Billericay Town Fc is blessed to have had so many volunteers over the years, (sadly some are no longer with us) who have done, or are doing “their bit”. Long may it continue.

I’d like to give a special mention to the day-in day-out, week-in week-out, 20+ year in year-out volunteers who, no matter what the previous result, or the weather, or what has gone on before, or what is happening in their own life, still turn up and get on with it, you are the heartbeat of the club. Because without you there would be no football on a Saturday, or U21’s on a Wednesday, or youth, or ladies. Those who can do that for 20 years and more, just for the benefit of others, without seeking any kind of self-promotion has been an inspiration. Sharon and I would have been off years ago had it not been for you. Ian and Pat Ansel. Ron and Joyce, Derek Colyer, Mick Gladman, John Richardson, Alec Zimbler. Les Bridge, Roger Thomson, John Mason. Also thanks to Gary and Emma Clark who again for 20 + years have given their time, their life, to benefit others. Andy Butt the ever present steward, Keith, Howard, Graham and Paul…there are so many, we know who they are. It hasn’t gone unnoticed by Sharon and myself that you have served your club well and the help you have given has made our time at the club an enjoyable one. Thank you.

To the various Colts board members, it has been a pleasure to help and sit alongside whilst you do great things for the youth of Billericay.

Kim Coster, a nicer more driven positive person you couldn’t find, Thank you Kim it’s been an absolute pleasure to work with you.

Craig Edwards. You all see him on the touch line, full of passion and an absolute unwavering determination to win. What most of you don’t see is the behind the scenes, way beyond a normal football mangers role, work he puts in. Whatever needs doing Craig has done it. He has also manged to deliver for us a competitive side season after season and that has come from pure hard work. Craig and I have had our ups and downs and if I had my time again, no doubts whatsoever, it would be Craig all the way.

On to the now, and the future. I sincerely wish Glenn and Bliss all the best and I hope you can fulfil your dreams. Billericay is a special club. It has a rich and full history. The towns club and its residents deserve some glory, Get behind Glenn and give him your support.

Good luck Glenn and Bliss, go get em!!

Over, but not yet out.

Thank you all.

Steve & Sharon
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How long do we reckon.
"Starting over can be challenging, but also it can be a great opportunity to do things differently"

Or in Dagenhams case, Terribly!
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yep that post was very long
but we finished 9th!
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"Its Non-League now and always will be."

Not the words Tamplin wants to hear!
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Auntie Merge
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Own up, is anyone on here behind the twitter account @Ricaaaay?
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