Liam Gordon

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For me, he should be given a run in the team, as an out & out Left Winger, with an experienced Left Back behind him, in a 442.

If he had less defensive responsibility, with cover behind him, think he could really be part of the answer for us, at the other end.

What do we think ??
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Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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Mike the Dagger
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He's not a great defender to i be honest (yet at least), but is a threat going firward.
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I think he's a good one on one defender tbh, in the first half he made several good challenges and played out well from the back which we normally do quite badly. His big down side is positional but you could say that about Wright on the other side too. I didn't think he did much wrong today aside from the poor pass decision towards the end which nearly cost us. The other thing I like is that he has the pace to rectify mistakes. I'd keep him where he is for now, we don't need to sign yet another left back and he's the best one we have.
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I agree with Mark. Improve his positional play and he will become a much better player and also less likely to make errors like the one at the end that nearly cost us a goal. Let’s sign a winger to play on the wing - and get rid of Dobson and Lucque in the process.
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Liam is 20 and he is not going to be playing like a 28 year old pro, leave him where he is at left back and he will only improve. People forgot how young this lad is, brilliant at such a young age going forward. Yesterday he made one mistake at the end but got bailed out, yet a number of times bailed others out with some great blocks and cover clearances.
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Yup he is still 20 and only going to get better defensively, ultimately that only happens through good coaching and playing at the highest level you can. Two things Taylor denied him.
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