Monday Night Football

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Auntie Merge
Posts: 2205
Joined: Fri Oct 18, 2013 3:43 pm

Regardless of the result, it was great to have Monday night football back at Victoria Road.

I wonder how many were there because it was the F A Cup / Salford and how many were there because there isn’t much else happening on a Monday night, or there because it was a friendly price?

Any thoughts?
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It was very surprising to see 2,300 home fans, that was more than Southend I think? Personally I don’t think Salford would be that much of a draw, out of all the ties in the first round we must have been one of the more unimaginative ones!

Probably a combination of all the factors you mentioned. But I hope it was the £10 price that made the big difference, and there is only one way to find that out and it’s to do it again…
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Under 10’s we’re free with an adult, lots of them in the away stand which is great to see. Prices are a huge factor in the floating fan, last night it was £12 for an adult with under 10’s free or 10-16 £2. A normal league game in the same stand is £21 adult and £2 under 10 or £12 for 10-16 could mean £33 for a dad and a lad, plain and simple disgusting prices for our level for an 10-16 year old.

The facilities in the away stand is what people or more so families expect from a football match in these modern times, there is no facilities in the sieve for families with it being a crap view etc.

Bottom line is very few will be back at the standard price.
hockley dagger
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Agree that prices are a big factor for getting in parents with youngsters. I remember taking junior to an away game at Bury a few years back and their adult plus junior ticket waa cheaper than a single adult ticket. An interesting marketing ploy! I remember talking to poor old Simmo about prices for 16-17 year olds who these days have to be in education or training. It wasn't long before he left the board so I guess nothing happened but I pointed out that in reality these people aren't leaving school and going into jobs as happened in the 1970s. As for night games I thought for some time that a few Friday fixtures, especially in early Autumn against nearby teams might work. Maybe with a 8pm kick off.
Posts: 2619
Joined: Sun Oct 20, 2013 2:47 am

Well myself and Hockkey were sceptical about what made up the recent Southend gate. Clearly Monday night proves that there is significant number who want to come but for a variety of issues can't.

Remember that day at Bury Hockley and it seemed to work and fair play to Bury for making that concession available to away supporters .

Let's start at the cost of a season ticket. £250 ain't bad for 23 games , especially this season when we have finally seen some very good football. However for a family of four if the kids pay £100 then £700 in one hit is a very big ask. First thing I would do there is allow that £700 to be spread over the 9 months of the season .

Recently I have had a change In work commitments meaning I can't get to every home game. So with the tech now in place I would consider half season tickets where supporters can pay the half season ticket rate and they can be used for say 12 games of the supporters choice . There must be any number of supporters who are put off by the number of mid week games that they can't get to again for a variety of reasons, when youngsters are involved this means school.
Now term times I understand are not universal across the Country or principalities. We should therefore be urging the League to allow Clubs to but into the fixture computers weeks when it is more agreeable for League games at least to be played midweek. Would also like to see the Clubs use their powers by making the Trophy a mid week competition so more League games are played on a Saturday which may also help more people to commit to season tickets.
Now the cost of Monday nights game no doubt helped , funny how we get our second highest gate of the season and also Pocket a nice sum for the effect the coverage was supposed to gave on tge gate. Now only the Club knows the cost of Mondays gate if we had not got the money from ITv but surely the extra 1000 fans made up for the 33% discount on walk up prices. If these numbers could be retained at those prices then surely 1000 extra fans every home game making the atmosphere that I felt through the TV screen Monday night is better then the 1300 we normally get.
That extra £5 could be recouped by sales in the Club Shop , programmes, pre match and post match bar sales and the franchise of the refreshment outlets being worth more then it currently is.

The first thing the Club must do is get in contact via the email addresses used to purchase Mondays tickets and ask the question as to what would help make them more regular attendees. Of course Monday will help as it is the first time in a while when there has been price concessions the team turned up. That has not always been the case
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