Burnett's media blackout?

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Posts: 145
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I've been a regularly reader of all of our local rags for a number of years; but I've noticed recently how little Wayne actually has spoken to the media since this slump; instead sending out Currie or Hackett to speak to the press...

Can anyone shed any light on this?

IMHO, if I was a player in a team who are in the bottom 2 of the league, struggling for form; I would appreciate some backing from the boss in the press.

I know some people will say that whatever he says he'll be criticised, but that's what you get paid for. It's his job to take the flack and absorb the pressure so that the players can get out there and play with a bit of freedom for a change.

Big few games coming up this month that we'll need a few results from to keep up with the pack above us.

Fingers crossed Daggers, fingers crossed...
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I'm interested to know why he changed tack from repeatedly stating during interviews in the weeks prior to the Carlisle rant that his job was to win games and if he didn't then he would lose his job, that the buck stopped with him etc, to the post Carlisle rant position of his job is to keep us up, nothing more than that and he's doing a fantastic job behind the scenes and keeping us out of the bottom 2 (which he isn't now).
DI Mike Dashwood
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Today's coverage in the Romford Recorder includes a piece with Wayne about the next few weeks.
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And as if by magic .. ..

“Let’s hope our fortunes can change in 2015, let’s hope we can give our supporters something to cheer about, because they haven’t had much to cheer about at home. I thought the majority of supporters on Sunday were absolutely brilliant, I wish it could be like that at home sometimes, I know sometimes we have to give them something to cheer about but I can’t thank the supporters enough."

Im more miffed as to the apparant club blackout.
Usually by now the clubs chairman or MD or whomever would either come out to say things need to improve urgently or they would give the manager the dreaded vote of confidence.
Ours have just said nitto ...
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No media black out they take it in turns as far as im aware. Think if the club just come out and say regardless of what happens Wayne will be manager for the rest of the season the people will just get on with it.
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Just listened to the interview in full and where he refers to "the majority of supporters" on Sunday - he goes on to say other than a handful that were shouting out his name, something he's apparently become used to.

Also says he is aware supporters have made it evident enough they have had little to cheer about at home.

Massive difference in tone opposed to the post Carlisle outburst.

Lose tomorrow and hopefully he will also become very aware that there isn't a single supporter remaining that doesn't want him to get the tin tack!
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I can't believe Wayne has been sending out the others for interviews. After all it wasn't long a go that I was being told he should be admired because he always gives the interviews and never dumps them in anyone else.
Posts: 94
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No blackout, Wayne does the BBC TV interview straight after the game so Warren or Darren are interviewed by the local and National press. If the TV don't need to interview Wayne he does the interviews for local and national papers.
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