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Paul from Barking
Posts: 380
Joined: Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:59 pm

How long before what happened in Paris yesterday happens in London?

Has what has happened changed your view on "the multicultural experiment"?
Posts: 1207
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It changed years ago for me Paul mate and to the many people I sit and discuss with over a pint and certainly if the whole English nation had put it to a vote 20 to 30 years ago it would have overwhelmingly been a no goer. I grew up being surrounded by great old school London characters I look around today and the London I see now breaks my heart.
Paul from Barking
Posts: 380
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I have said this so many times before - yet I have been told I'm a hate filled racist bigot, etc, etc.

I never have had any problem with anyone coming here from any country or of any colour or culture. But we speak English in this country, we drive on the left. We eat bacon. We treat our women properly and we don't make them nor do we expect them to cover themselves up and not be seen.

This is a land of generally friendly people and opportunity - but to be accepted here, you need to MIX WITH US, INTEGRATE WITH US, ACCEPT OUR LAWS AND EMBRACE OUR WAYS - BECOME AN INTEGRAL PART OF US.

What I find fascinating is that I have been singled out for the "intolerant" RACIST label, yet what I have said about migrants of any creed or colour has NOT changed over time, nor, more importantly have I ever called for any of them to be hated or harmed.... let alone run around like a coward, tooled up shooting or blowing up completely unarmed and unprepared people and indeed uninvolved in any political way - those attacked and murdered innicent people being the kith and kin of those who extended me such hospitality and opportunity.

If you want to live here: Be like us, mix with us. Accept our laws and our way of doing things. Respect us. Use our language and become us. Living anywhere in the EU or the UK is certainly NOT compulsory. If you really can't stand how we do things or our beliefs generally, then go somewere else where you'll better fit in.

My heart bleeds for the French in what happened in Paris - and I hope I'm wrong but I guess it won't be long before it happens here.
Posts: 1207
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Mate, what you stated vast amounts of the country reading that couldn't agree more but a big but, main stream party politicians over many moons and people that should be running our country to foundations of our history and more importantly kept that way have been to afraid to stand up , speak and sustain our identity without worries of prejudice.
Paul from Barking
Posts: 380
Joined: Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:59 pm

Although some will find it difficult to believe, I am actually a card carrying LibDem. The thought of UKIP or the BNP running the country really concerns me. They got 4 million votes in May and I fear the "silent majority" (those who are bullied tosay nothing for fear of being called a racist like I have been) will continue to vote for them. Do we want a modern day English Auswitz? We have to talk about this and lance the boil
dave seagull
Posts: 128
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This country has been sold down the river by the lily livered maggots of parliament.
The freedoms fought for so bravely in two world wars by the men and women of our country mean diddly squat to the long as they can feed at the trough they made for themselves.

Our country is slowly being taken over and the 'honest' men of England, who say it how it really is, can't have a voice without being branded racist etc.

Multi-cultural society my arse....after 9/11, London 2007 and Paris 2015, if this is what it boils down to, you can poke it as far as I'm concerned.

Do you really want unvetted refugees from Syria, Iraq etc living in your street, taking over your local community, your children, grandchildren being the minority in their schools.....well too late, its already happening...but your not allowed say it.....even though it's the truth!

So much for freedom of speech!
Last edited by dave seagull on Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 1207
Joined: Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:33 pm

Exactly, well said, you know it rattles me so much about so many issues on why England today is so messed up, I really feel totally frustrated on it all and more importantly why was it allowed to happen in the first place, Its not as if its happened overnight. The whole structure to a country I grew up on has almost now changed beyond recognition and so much more noticeable in London and the South East. Because of tens of years of slack border controls, not one person in any cabinet, blue red or whatever saying way before that its the'up most importance to hold onto our identity', being dictated by Europe, p c, everybody looking over their shoulders now with threats of terrorism with the country set to spend billions on security, and probably the 'red herring' of it all so many people cannot admit their failures and now they're even having a go at the Lords Prayer!
Posts: 111
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Just seen this thread so apologies for being late, but here is my 10 cents worth.

As an immigrant, I have a slight advantage on this topic as I have gone through the process and been allowed through those doors and I am very grateful that I was allowed in to my home country Canada. Moving to another country and being allowed in was (and in my mind still IS) a privilege bestowed by others on me. From the minute I arrived, I knew I was not going back to Dagenham and could not wait until I was able to become a citizen of my adopted country.

However, a year after arriving, I received a speeding ticket and the first question I asked my wife (out of real concern) was would that ticket impact my chances of becoming a Canadian citizen. It didn't, but the concern was there.

These days not only here but also in the UK, drug dealers, rapists, murderers, radicals and terrorists who believe our way of doing things is totally wrong, all seem to flaunt the laws of their new "home" with impunity. And here I was worrying over a speeding ticket. I fully understand the complexities of moving to a new country, but what I don't understand is how it is that when people arrive from elsewhere, they expect the rules of where they couldn't wait to get out of to apply. Read in to that Christmas and Sharia Law for openers.

Could write more, but the point I think is made.
dave seagull
Posts: 128
Joined: Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:36 pm

Good thread Davei, endless more points to raise without a doubt ...... would like to read a few more views too.
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Location: Romford

I'll thrown my hat into the mire.

First off, we need to understand and also realise that these barbaric acts are just that, acts of barbarism, nothing else. What they are not, is an act done upon the behalf of a religion. These acts have, and rightly so, been condemned by people of all faiths and backgrounds from across the Globe.

These attacks are on the ideals that we as Europeans hold deer. The very ideals that the many before us fought for, we only remembered them a few days or so before the events in Paris on November 13th, lest us not forget them now, or more importantly why they gave their lives.

Yet, we’re now seeing a savage and brutal attack on those ideals; perhaps some may call it a War. However, what you don’t fight this War of hate with is more hate, as that can and will only lead to more barbarism. We need to stand together in solidarity, as Europeans together, it's going to need a world wide effort to defeat this. The tough part is how?

Bombs have been dropped on the middle east for that past 15 years, at the very lest, and I'm not sure more bombs will be the answer. ISIS have come about after the UK and US left Iraq in a pure state of disarray, the power vacuum there lead to the situation we have now.

This is needs to be consolidated effort from the 'world powers' in an attempt to rid the World of ISIS. Like in the 30's the powers that be, and others, came together to rid the world of the evil of their time, The Nazis, now we need to do so again to rid the evil from our world.

We too, need to educate the population here at home, there is far too many people leaving the freedoms they have here for what they think will be an ideal life in ISIS, something has seriously gone wrong if young people and families think what they may get out there is anyway near to as good as a life they can lead here. These communities need to be worked with, not so much to assimilate them into the 'western lifestyle' but to teach them about the ideals and freedoms they can enjoy. To show it is possible and millions before them and millions after them have and will do so, without issue.
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