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Mike the Dagger
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This is a daft decision. If they already played God Save the Queen then maybe, US sport generally does the anthem when I have been, but this is daft.

Besides, the damn song is impossible to sing if you don't speak French. At Wembley it worked reasonably and we at least had the French contingent to lead it while everyone else had a go, this is going to be la la la la la la mostly.

Ah well!
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I genuinely don't understand why it's a problem to play before one game. It's not much to ask. The premier league is watched all over the world so I'm sure it'll go down well
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Mike the Dagger
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admin wrote:I genuinely don't understand why it's a problem to play before one game. It's not much to ask. The premier league is watched all over the world so I'm sure it'll go down well
It was already played before "one game", the International on Tuesday. had that not have been against France, it would not have been played. It was a great gesture, I was there, and it was very emotional.

This is over the top and daft. We don't do anthems before games in the Premier League. If we are doing sympathy it is a minutes silence.

If next week there is another attack in Tunisia, do we all sing the Tunisian anthem next weekend?
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I'm with Mike on this.

The anthems & whole ceremony before the game on Tuesday was completely relevant & necessary, perfectly observed and I can imagine very emotional.

This is just a little OTT in my very humble opinion.

If we did Anthems before games as a general rule I may take a different view but other than the cup finals we don't...
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Mike the Dagger wrote: ... laise.html
Besides, the damn song is impossible to sing if you don't speak French
It's pretty difficult to sing if you do speak French too apparently.

I agree for what it's worth. It worked at Wembley, it had meaning. This is pretty pointless.
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It's a typical premier league thing to do.
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Im out in Paris this weekend,supposed to go last weekend but got rescheduled,call it luck call it fate but there you go.Anyway I cant see what the fuss is about,its just a little bit of respect don't sing if you feel so strongly about it.Win double for me,didnt get shot and wont have to endure another home defeat*

*Actually fancy us to win now im not gonna be there.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
DI Mike Dashwood
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Its just totally over the top in my eyes. It's not a case of singing it or not, they won't be doing at the Vic I wouldn't have thought anyway.

To me it cheapens what was a very heartfelt, emotional and classy gesture on Tuesday night at Wembley. By doing this I think, where does it all end??

I don't remember them playing the British National Anthem at English games in the 80s when the IRA were blowing London up every few months?? I certainly wouldn't have expected the French to play it at their games. And I don't remember the the US anthem being played in 2001 even though there were a number of American players playing in the League at the time and a large number of British people were killed.

And even two weeks back 200 people were killed on an aeroplane which was blown out of the sky but I don't remember any National Anthems being played after that??

Just seems the press and media and other organisations seem to think commemorating certain lives and events is more important than other??
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Agreed Dashers - it's pretty ludicrous really. Also I always assumed that the FA (and the premier/football leagues) are non-political entities, so why this sudden imposition which is clearly politically based?
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It is at best misguided. Wembley was the right thing to do. A minute's silence would be fine.
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Im sure it comes from a place of respect even if you percieve it otherwise.Its nice to be nice.

In all seriousness its probably not necessary to do the anthem again and again.The point is made.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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ARNU wrote:Im out in Paris this weekend,supposed to go last weekend but got rescheduled,call it luck call it fate but there you go.Anyway I cant see what the fuss is about,its just a little bit of respect don't sing if you feel so strongly about it.Win double for me,didnt get shot and wont have to endure another home defeat*

*Actually fancy us to win now im not gonna be there.
Arnu, Not the best time to be in or around Paris, make sure you stay alert and keep safe.
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Alan wrote:It is at best misguided. Wembley was the right thing to do. A minute's silence would be fine.
Trouble is Alan we have had a minutes silence in our last three games and we appear to think it lasts ten minutes !!!!

I might sound insensitive but I thought it was accepted that the best thing everybody can do is denie these wicked bastards the oxygen of publicity they crave.
Don Beech 3
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SUSSEX DAGGER wrote: Trouble is Alan we have had a minutes silence in our last three games and we appear to think it lasts ten minutes !!!!
Make that 4 now ... 10685.aspx
rechitski kinzhal
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Very sad about the French ..... but why is it not sad about the Russians blown out of the sky - it was the same perpetrators?
I have a property just about 20 miles from the Russian border in Belarus. So maybe we can have a minutes silence for them as well.
Just who exactly is this tokenism for? Do the powers that be in football really think we are incapable of making our own private marks of respect? As it happens I, and I expect many of you, made our own remembrance very soon after the attack - we do not need to wait until we go to a football match a week later to dwell on the fact that a tragedy has happened. Or, does football in general like to mask its own many shortcomings by jumping on the compassion bandwagon.
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