Adam Johnson

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Paul from Barking
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I wonder what others views are on the former Sunderland striker's behaviour with the 15 year old girl who "led him on"?

Mine is quite straightforward: 15 year old girls are not fair game to men in their late 20's and I hope he gets a long time avoiding picking up the soap in the showers. But who am I to suggest such a thing?

Johnson is an animal who has let himself down and shamed football as a whole. I feel sorry for the mother of his child and indeed that child too. She will be pilloried as she grows up. And I wonder whether he will think in 14 years' time whether it's okay for some jumped up slimeball to invite her to give him a blow job?

The whole thing makes my blood boil. I think he ought to be castrated.

When he gets out of prison, should he by then not be too old ayway, should he be allowed to play again and earn a living playing football or is it out of the question?

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Mike the Dagger
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Paul from Barking wrote:I wonder what others views are on the former Sunderland striker's behaviour with the 15 year old girl who "led him on"?

Mine is quite straightforward: 15 year old girls are not fair game to men in their late 20's and I hope he gets a long time avoiding picking up the soap in the showers. But who am I to suggest such a thing?

Johnson is an animal who has let himself down and shamed football as a whole. I feel sorry for the mother of his child and indeed that child too. She will be pilloried as she grows up. And I wonder whether he will think in 14 years' time whether it's okay for some jumped up slimeball to invite her to give him a blow job?

The whole thing makes my blood boil. I think he ought to be castrated.

When he gets out of prison, should he by then not be too old ayway, should he be allowed to play again and earn a living playing football or is it out of the question?

Pretty much agree with all of that barring the castration.

No matter how much he was "led on" this is an adult and a girl he knew was under age.

Meanwhile... ... are_btn_tw. WTF???
rechitski kinzhal
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OK, I'll bite.
I have some sympathy for Johnson.
He has acted badly, of that there is no doubt. He deserves to be punished, and quite severely. But is it really such a big deal as people are making out? Personally I find it all a bit of a phoney outrage.
He has been found guilty of "heavy petting" with an underage girl - firstly I guarantee that within the next fifteen years what he did will not even be a crime (albeit still immoral) because the age of consent will come down, probably to 14. The girl in question says the episode has ruined her life ..... but that is not actually true, is it? She was indeed extremely happy to have been with Johnson ....... it is only the teasing at school that began to upset her, and the thing that has "ruined her life" is being dragged through the courts and being humiliated in front of her family and friends, not the actual crime itself.
He has committed a crime, and he has acted as a complete sleaze ball also - but does he really deserve his life to be effectively ended because of it ....... really? He will get a long prison sentence which will undoubtedly be quite unsafe and very unpleasant, he will probably never work again, he will be treated as a pariah.

Now it is not as though he is an adult that went up to a 15 year old stranger and tried to have a kiss and a grope, and it is not as though he tried to sexually assault a strange woman he had never set eyes upon before. What would have been the punishment if he had done those things? Well if you are a Somali asylum seeker you get no prison sentence at all, but you do get a community service order and told "that is not the sort of thing we do here".

The justice system is a nonsense. We have to have rules, and my personal view is that 16 for the age of consent is probably about right. So Johnson needs to be punished, and punished quite hard. But in my opinion the public reaction is typically over the top when a crime involves someone who is perceived as having had an undeserved privileged lifestyle. If Johnson deserves what he gets, then what should happen to the Somalian?

Let's get this in perspective - Johnson is not, contrary to tabloid headlines, a paedophile (look up the definition, if you are not sure what I mean). He is, however, a man with behaviour repugnant to most of us. Punish him, but get a little perspective. And in response to Arnu, if I had a 15 year old daughter and someone took advantage of her in such a way I would willingly slice off his goolies myself ..... but that is not what our justice system should be about.

Ahhhh, that should put the cat among the pigeons - no one will agree with me, this is far too emotive (and even if they do, they won't have the nerve to put it in writing). But you wanted a discussion - I have a point, don't I?
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If you know someone is under the age of 16 and you still go through with anything with them, that's disgusting and should be punished and society should distance themselves from him. It would only be different if he wasn't aware of her age and he made a mistake, in this case he knew how old she was and he knew what he was doing so its 100% wrong. I don't see how anyone can defend him at all. The reaction that people have given to this is perfectly justified.
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So, while I do not agree with what has happened here, but as I know from experience, things do happen. As some sense of "fair play journalistic reporting" I provide the following on Bill Wyman, famed bass player of The Rolling Stones who appears not to have suffered financially from the following (other than divorce payment), never served a day in prison and clearly was able to still ply his trade as a musician during and after the fact. If you really think deeply enough about the whole situation in this particular instance, the last sentence really opens up a serious can of worms. Read on:

On 2 June 1989, aged 52, Wyman married 18-year-old Mandy Smith whom he had been dating since she was 13 and he was 47 years old. According to Smith, their relationship was sexually consummated when she was 14 years old.

Their relationship was the subject of considerable media attention. The marriage ended in spring 1991, although the divorce was not finalized until 1993.

In 1993, while Wyman was still married to Smith, Stephen, his son from his first marriage, married Smith's mother.
rechitski kinzhal
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....... and Graeme Rix went on to mange several football league clubs after he had served his sentence. I couldn't even find anything on the internet about Clive Walker but I know he played and managed Woking after his trouble. Yet people now want to see Johnson's life to be some kind of hell on earth. I could accept that if there was any consistency about this ...... I know the Somalian asylum seeker is not famous but why is he not receiving the same wrath? In my opinion Johnson's crimes are less serious than the Somalian, but it seems acceptable for Johnson to be dealt with far, far more harshly ...... and the only explanation seems to be that he was earning obscene amounts of money.

Which brings us to Partridge - no-one will ever convince me that his crime was not far more serious than either of the other two ..... But he got off almost entirely without punishment.

As Admin shows above, when someone such as me raises a question about the severity of Johnson's ounishment, the suggestion is that I am defending him. I am not, and it was a very lazy response to say that I was.
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Mike the Dagger
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This is just other case of a man thinking with the brain in his dick rather than the one in his head.

Johnson was an adult, he knew the girl was 15, it has even been proved he checked the age of consent. He was in a relationship and his partner was either heavily pregnant or had just given birth to a daughter, not sure of the exact timings and won't waste time checking.

This wasn't a girl in a nightclub who looked "OK" after you had a beer or two (what used to be known as jail bait back in the day), which is still no excuse in the eyes of the law by the way, it was a series of arranged meetings in his Range Rover where he was after his "reward" for signing some football shirts. The girl was undoubtedly complicit, flattered, etc etc, but she was underage and he knew it.

He is an adult and deserves whatever comes. She was a child and deserves protection from society. The age of consent is not 14 it is 16.

End of.
rechitski kinzhal
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I agree with 100% of what you write, Mike.
The reason I have SOME sympathy for Johnson is that his punishment appears to be so far more serious than any other "criminals" get, and very few people seem to believe he should ever, ever get a chance to live a normal life again. Does he really warrant a life sentence which is what "the mob" want. Sex attacks on strangers, or just violent thuggery that could have lost a man his life seem to be cast aside as unimportant with the perpetrators spared jail. It just doesn't make sense to me.
From what I have read there seems no doubt of his guilt as so eloquently described by Mike (unlike Ched Evans where I was, and remain, totally unconvinced by the conviction). Johnson should be punished - but there has to be a sentencing system that is fair to all. The victim in the Johnson case would not likely have had emotional distress if it wasn't for the teasing and court case ...... and even if she did, surely no-one can believe such distress was so many times worse than that suffered by the women in Torquay (victims of the Somalian attack) or the innocent motorist who was within an inch of losing his life at the hands of Partridge.
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Not a lazy response at all. I'm aware that there are other situations where people have gotten off with less than Johnson for similar crimes. However they should all of been treated with a similar response.

Saying you have some sympathy with him is partly excusing what he did, there simply is no defence for it.
rechitski kinzhal
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Mmmm admin. I understand that you don't agree with my point of view but please don't write nonsense.
I went out of my way to explain why I had some sympathy with him - and out of my way to explain why I feel he should be punished - and out of my way to say I was not defending the indefensible, yet still you want to say I am partly excusing him. Your comments are wholly without merit, but I will not convince you otherwise, so best we end this now.
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Auntie Merge
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Interesting discussion. As a former 15 year old girl who heavily pursued a 27 year old man, Im going to post the following, which I added on Confguide yesterday. I knew my own mind when I was 15. I knew I wanted to be with him. Nothing in the world would stop me from being with him, although nothing much happened until I was older.

I think it should be on a case by case basis once a girl has turned 15. Migitating circumstances should be taken into account. If the girl pursued the man and it was hanky panky rather than consensual sex, then that is mitigation. If she was in an nightclub for over 18s and lies about her age to him that is mitigation. If he knows she is 15 and has 'consensual sex' that is not mitigation.
Paul from Barking
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Although some people find it displeasing, Adam Johnson IS a paedophile - end of.

What makes me laugh about all of this though is that the law would allow me, for example, now in my mid 50s, to go and pick up a 16 year old and do whatever I could pursuade her to do for my own relief and delictation.... but the 16, 17 or 18 year old boy might end up having to sign the sexual offenders list for shagging a consenting 15 year old?!?!?!?!?!

We need graduated steps where the younger person can be no more than 2 or 3 years than the older person until the younger person reaches 21. Unqestionably young people, male of female, are not "fair game" to men or women) in their late 20s, their 30s, 40s, 50s or 60s.

Johnson ought to be castrated for doing what he did. Perhaps if that was the punishment some of our children would not be exploited like this on a daily basis by adult perverts who ought to know better
rechitski kinzhal
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The word "paedophile" is highly emotive, so please do not say he IS a paedophile when clearly he is not. A paedophile is someone sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. The "victim" in this case was very much a woman despite her age. Johnson seems to have been quite a womaniser - but most of his conquests have been woman. In this case she was underage, and he knew it and still carried on. I agree absolutely that Johnson has done wrong and should be punished, but please don't jump on the paedophile bandwagon. This phoney outrage is getting quite silly. Johnson is wrong, wrong, wrong. Underage sexual touching is wrong. BUT there is no evidence whatsoever that he is turned on by pre-pubescent children.
Although some people find it displeasing, Adam Johnson IS NOT a paedophile - end of.
Paul from Barking
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Retchishki. The word paedophile might be 'emotive' but it is appropriate. If a 15 year old girl were to ask me to ****** her whilst wearing the most alluring, sexiest of lingerie & smelling like heaven, I would resist because I am an adult and she would be a child. When adults have sexual relations with children, it may be "emotive" but the appropriate word is paedophilia because that is what it is: PAEDOPHILIA.

If you're in your late 20s (or older) and don't want to be branded a PAEDOPHILE, then don't have sexual relations with children - it's quite straightforwards, isn't it? 15 year old GIRLS are *not* fair game to men in their late 20s no matter what is going on hormone wise in their heads.

They might have developped the equipment but the brains to control it are way lacking and they misjudge interest in them sexually for interest in them emotionally or by way of their personality. The 15 year old girls I know are interesting for about 20 minutes while they tell me what they're up to at school and then they are boring because they are as of yet an empty book-case without any experience of life in which to be interested. They may look 'pretty' - but that is certainly no reason or excuse to sexually abuse them and take advantage of their naivety, is it?

Had he been 17 or 18 himself, perhaps even 20 or 21 at absolute tops where her life's experience would be more of a match for him it wouldn't be anywhere near as bad but he was living with a woman of roughly his own age whom he'd put in the family way.... and is out trying to ****** and getting a blow job from a 15 year old kid?

And he's not a paedophile?

What planet are we on here, people? FFS!
rechitski kinzhal
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I have twice explained exactly what a paedophile is - third time, it is someone who is sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children ( children who have not yet reached puberty, the excitement is because they have child-like bodies). It is generally regarded to refer to children up to age 11, but as an absolute maximum 13. In other words anyone who is attracted to an under-age girl who looks like a woman but is a child in the eyes of the law, maybe many things, but he is not a paedophile. Most of your arguments are accepted, but people are using a wholly inappropriate term just to make their outrage more effective. All my posts agree he has done wrong, but paedophile is the wrong term.
You clearly don't like being told you are wrong, but you are, and you are devaluing your otherwise good points by using an emotive, but incorrect term.
It is clear I won't convince you, so let's drop it, but please look up paedophiles on wiki.
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