Donald Trump becomes the 45th president of the USA

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Wow, thought Brexit was a wake up call and astonishing result but the Donald result this morning must come out as one of the biggest news headlines of the modern era and another reason never to give two hoots on listening to the polls. Seems much of the world now are moving toward 'the hardliners' and more to the right, and the normal issues that are concerning the vast numbers have been falling on deaf ears far to long and have never been tackled. Personally I believe in giving everybody a chance and should be judged more after a couple of years, and do believe he will bring quite a bit of trade to a brexit United Kingdom.
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He won't take any bullshit.................from anyone
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Mike the Dagger
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davei wrote:He won't take any bullshit.................from anyone
Just spout it?

Man is an arrogant arse and massively dangerous.
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And you know this how MIke....?

I know 2 couples who have worked with Trump closely over the past 25 years. While they may have their personal thoughts on him which they really have not shared with me, they do tell me do not believe all you see on TV. Self absorbed, yes, but really, if you want dangerous, look at Obama and tell me he was less dangerous........... What was it in 2016, 26,000 + bombs dropped with his approval by mostly drones operated out of Houston. Yeah, he was a good guy.
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Mike the Dagger
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davei wrote:And you know this how MIke....?

I know 2 couples who have worked with Trump closely over the past 25 years. While they may have their personal thoughts on him which they really have not shared with me, they do tell me do not believe all you see on TV. Self absorbed, yes, but really, if you want dangerous, look at Obama and tell me he was less dangerous........... What was it in 2016, 26,000 + bombs dropped with his approval by mostly drones operated out of Houston. Yeah, he was a good guy.

I watched all the debates, I have listened to the man talk on TV countless times, I watched the press conference on Thursday. I've seen his "team" berate anyone that asks anything close to a difficult question.

Today he's off on a "campaign" rally so he can spout his special brand of bullshit to a group of his own supporters so he doesn't have to speak to anyone that might actually ask anything hard.

Even Fox News are turning on his attitude to the media now. This'll leave just the proper right wing nutters like Brietbart as people he will talk to.

Pointing at what Obama did is running thin TBH, when everything he is proposing is divisive, derogatory or downright untrue. His obsessiveness with crowd sizes and votes counted? WTF?? You won, get one with it now.

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Mike, I am not saying Trump is the greatest, but what I am saying given the choices, believe me (I also know someone who worked with the Clinton's) he was by far the best candidate (lessor of two evils). When you say his issues are dividing in nature, I would ask how you see that. His main focus has been to put America first and if you are an American, there is nothing wrong with that. Yes, he may be brash, but that is the American way, I've lived here long enough to understand that.

To the best of my knowledge, Donald has not invaded any country, or tried to overthrow any official government of any country. Nor has he accepted millions of $'s from suspect countries (Saudi Arabia and the like true shit disturbers) in financing his campaign. All he has done or tried to do, is stop "illegal" note the word "illegal" activities from influencing the American way of life. And while you may not like a comparison to Obama, you need to understand the damage Obama has done within the community he was supposed to support that the media (Democrat focused) has covered up (see deportations, Chicago, illegal gun running etc, support of terrorism).

And when it comes to the media, well, look more closely at what they report. As someone said, if the media reported the news, not opinions, the outcome of the election would perhaps have been different. Case in point, they find a picture of his wife, throw it on the front pages of the papers and call her a call girl, an escort and worse without any facts to back it up. If that is the media you wish to rely on, go for it......

In the mean time, go enjoy listening to "Tony" your former Prime Minister, seen by many as an actual war criminal, as he tells the electorate who voted to leave the EU they didn't know what they were doing.

In a toss up between Don, Hilary or Tony, which would you choose................... Not much of a selection is it
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Mike the Dagger
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I agree the choices for president were poor. Says a lot about how they choose the candidates really. Once it's a binary choice then anything can happen and did.

Blair is a busted flush. They wheeled out Mandelson this morning too. Bloody hell.

My issue with Trump is not "America First" at all, that makes sense and should be any leaders priority. He's not a detail man though is he. Facts are what he decides they are, not a matter of record.

And some of the people around him are pretty scary.

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Ha ha, for sure I'll pray for Sweden (Fox news again), but I hope you'll pray for Canada.

It seems our Somalian cousins who somehow bypassed the 100 or so countries (including their Arab brothers in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Chad and Sudan) that could have provided refugee status along the way yet they still ended up in the US, now feel they are unsafe there.

And so, discovering that in certain parts of Canada, the border with the US consists of a 3ft wire fence (not electrified) they decide to walk through -40 temperatures to cross in to Canada as undocumented refugee claimants. And so it begins........

God forbid they discover that in parts of BC, there is no wire fence, just a hedge......................
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Mike the Dagger
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Your Somali issue is no different to any desirable place to live across the world. All the crew that sat in the Jungle in Calais trying to get into the UK when they were already in a safe country and had crossed the whole of Europe to get there if they were true refugees for instance.

It is a global problem, needs a global solution.
Paul from Barking
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Trump, Farage, Le Penn, Wilders - these people are there because of the abject failure of so called main-stream politicians to look after their own people.
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