Should there now be a general election?

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Paul from Barking
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Following the changes at the head of the government (Theresa May replacing David Cameron), should there now be a general elcetion? And if so, who would you vote for?

I think that if May goes to the country, she will smash the Labour Party and UKIP really will have ~ 50 MPs.

FWIW, although I still am a card carrying Lib Dem, I canot support the LDs at the polls until Tim Farron publicly accepts the result of the EU referendum. I am a DEMOCRAT first and foremost - if we have an election I will spoil the ballot paper.
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In the past I would have thought any new unelected prime minister with any sense of social justice would call an election, BUT in the current post EU referendum
I think that any more instability would only cause more damage to the country, and in any case I don't see any alternative to the current government due to these reasons.....
1st Corbyn is unelectable, he may be popular among Labour party members but away from the northern counties I can't imagine he has much support from traditional Labour voters and any potential leader that openly stated his refusal to use a nuclear deterrent is a misguided fool.
2nd UKIP, Post referendum this party is surplus to requirements End of unless (like typical politicians) they change tack and become the UKin party.
3rd Liberal democrats have a lot of rebuilding to do after the coalition fiasco, after campaigning on certain aspects of their manifesto they changed tack purely for the greed of potential power, so many young students especially having fees increased and in some cases the dreams of going to university ruined.

For the record I have always been Labour, I am successfully self employed and would fit in to the "Tory" electorate quite easily but I wouldn't vote conservative as long as I have a hole in my arse, at the last election I voted UKIP as a protest vote against the european open boarder policy NOT against Europe in general.

ho would I vote for now.... I really don't know.
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Mike the Dagger
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We do not elect a "Prime Minister" we elect an MP to act on our behalf. That MP elects a leader to his or her party. If that leader can command a majority they are PM.

Actually to call an election right now would be mischevious as the Government was elected on a manifesto that included an In/Out referendum which it held, so we got what "we" voted for. However, Labour would get decimated if there was an election any time soon as it is in a worse state thant the other parties, which is quite an acheivement TBH.
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No, if my memory corrects me we didn't have one when Brown took over from Blair under Labour so why now? I've noticed more so in modern day Britain now that to lose a ballot be it on government issues or referendums there's far to many bad losers out there, never use to be like this and its a complete waste of time and money talking about it.
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I don't think the left wing parties could be any further away from power if they tried. Lib/Dems are all but dead and labour dosent actually know who it's standing up for. Any election right now would give the Torys a landslide and I think ukip would nick a handful of seats and destroy labours chances in many others by getting enough traditional labour votes to let the Torys in the back door. Trump won mainly cos democrats put up a shit candidate, one that represented no change whatsoever. Will he actually deliver ? It's all very well being a shouty big mouth but he'll be judged very quickly if he dosent come thru on his promises. I'd have voted for him if I was an out of work detroit car worker. I hope he does deliver, I watch with interest.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
Paul from Barking
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Seeing as one has been called - how will you vote - and why?
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Well I don't know about you guys but I feel so dumbstruck over the events of the last 24 hrs. Firstly let me say at 61 think I've got a pretty good grasp of life in England over many moons and don't really want to die a frustrated old git and bitter epitaph on my box, but what the ****** has happening to our once great nation? I could look at both sides of the fence here and say I breathed and honoured the red flag as a young lad when labour really did care and speak for the worker, I grew up in a council estate and never forget the great Bob Mellish what a man as an MP and really loved his docklands upbringing and had the pleasure to share a pint with. I also think John Smith would have been one of the greatest leaders of this country ever had but sadly passed away, then even more sad it was the start of the demise of Labour as a national party of pride in to a militant rabble who flooded especially London with either mass immigration (which originally through lower numbers we excepted and truthfully most blended in quite well) and also moved in were trendy metropolitian types who generally detested the English culture thought van man etc were racist and anyone flying the union flag was a fully paid up member of a far right group. Many labour exiles then became 'more right wing' especially witnessing what was happening to our beloved London town and of course many even after the war set shop like my ole Man into 'the new town commisions'. This has stagnated for years and now got to this where an elected guy has magnituded to 'a hero' to many even though he run's on par with what terrorists believe in doing their 'justice', has he sung one note of the national anthem? hasn't said one single word about the concerns of the vast majority of this country over immigration and the biggest question mark how can our young people of this once 'Churchill spirited nation' more pride in wearing the EU blue shirt than the honourable white 3 lion crest of our beloved nation? I'm lost for words! Please boys get fit down Vic Road and let's have a great season as our 'outlet', I rest my case.
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Good post Dagdale
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