Banning orders

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In jest my thought was perhaps someone ought to email our remaining opponents boardroom that Steve likes a sherbet or three on match days :thumbu:

On the other hand myself having been in hospitality many times, it is a long day and I admit to downing far more beers on those days than I do on my normal match days. If I wanted to be holier than thou then he is an ambassador for the club on match days who has to sit with opposing directors and very often local dignitaries and would hope that he would moderate his alcohol intake accordingly whilst he is on duty as part of his job he is paid to do. I hope his fellow directors have a quiet word.

Maybe an apology to Stevoo wouldn’t go amiss.
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I’ve got no reason to disbelieve Steveo but experience suggests if you were to ask both parties then the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Surely it isn’t as straightforward as Thommo issuing a ban because Steveo wouldn’t talk to him?
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What Tom said.There must be history.
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ARNU wrote:What Tom said.There must be history.
I wouldn't be surprised if there was history.... I think Kim Jung has history with a fair percentage of the D&R1100.

Still doesn't give him the right to ban someone for no reason apart from not wanting to get into a confrontation
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I don't really want to get drawn in to things that don't concern or much interest me but if I own - am in charge of a pub I'll ban whoever I want for whatever reason I want. In doing so I'd probably expect to be told to F off a few times and my takings might drop. More likely it wouldn't make any difference.
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Is it technically Thommo's pub?
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5% his - so in reality he owns the juke box, a couple of bar stools and the johnny machine.
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TomMc wrote:I’ve got no reason to disbelieve Steveo but experience suggests if you were to ask both parties then the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Surely it isn’t as straightforward as Thommo issuing a ban because Steveo wouldn’t talk to him?
Tom - sure, I have had run-ins with Thommo before....but I only have that in common with a large number of our fanbase. If he had given me a reason for the ban then I might be able to at least try to understand it, even if I didn't agree with it. It was partly for that reason that I asked for it to be provided in writing. But the phrase he used "I don't need a reason to ban people from my clubhouse" very much strikes me as the reaction of somebody acting on the spur of the moment as opposed to for any rational reason.
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Steveo - I think you’re missing a tiny detail on the history, and I’m sure you will correct me if I’m wrong, but aren't you the guy with the North Korean Daggers flag?
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steeevooo wrote: Tom - sure, I have had run-ins with Thommo before....but I only have that in common with a large number of our fanbase. If he had given me a reason for the ban then I might be able to at least try to understand it, even if I didn't agree with it. It was partly for that reason that I asked for it to be provided in writing. But the phrase he used "I don't need a reason to ban people from my clubhouse" very much strikes me as the reaction of somebody acting on the spur of the moment as opposed to for any rational reason.
Any idea what he might have been trying to talk to you about?
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Alan wrote:Steveo - I think you’re missing a tiny detail on the history, and I’m sure you will correct me if I’m wrong, but aren't you the guy with the North Korean Daggers flag?
Alan - correct, I am one of the co-owners of the NK Daggers flag and I don't disguise that fact. However, if I was to receive a ban for owning the flag, then that could have been put in place a long time previously, and Thommo could quite easily have stated that to be the reason as opposed to telling me that he didn't need a reason. If that was the reason then I would also question the ban, since the flag has not been flown at a home match for a long time, certainly not since the "ban" was enforced.
TomMc wrote:Any idea what he might have been trying to talk to you about?
Tom - I could guess that it would be flag-related, but can't say with any certainty since I didn't wish to engage in discussion with him at the time. Thommo also has my email address and phone number, so could easily get in touch if he did wish to chat in a more civil setting than the clubhouse after a football match.
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Cheers Steveo. You may not disguise the fact, but, again, I don’t mind being corrected, you also haven’t mentioned it in this thread and some might think it gives background that was missing.

By the way, I’m no Thommo apologist. He’s been rude to me in the past, albeit some years ago, and I can’t quite believe the position that he and his fellow board members have got us in to by allowing us to be reliant on an undocumented source of income from a potential investor for the second time in a matter of 18 months.
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Another bad decision from Thomson without proper thought to the consequences. I am estimating here but knowing steeevooo and many of his friends, they must be spending close to £300 to £400 between them over the bar pre and post match.
That is probably wages for one of our lower players or a large contribution towards our matchday bar staff wage bill.
That money will now go to the Eastbrook’s tills.
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steeevooo wrote: Tom - I could guess that it would be flag-related, but can't say with any certainty since I didn't wish to engage in discussion with him at the time. Thommo also has my email address and phone number, so could easily get in touch if he did wish to chat in a more civil setting than the clubhouse after a football match.
Yeah I get that (I agree, there's better ways to go about it than it sounds like Thommo did) but if it is about the flags, and it's been highlighted that Glyn's still considering his position (and that the flags was one of the sticking points), something like this could be time-critical, hence Thommo trying to talk to you?

Has he had any previous conversations with you about the flags that needed a follow-up? Like the email stuff etc?
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Just thought I'd point out that stickers have also been made with Thommo's face and a North Korean flag. Thommo was wrong to behave in that way, but both sides are as bad as each other IMO.
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