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Auntie Merge
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Over the years I've sponsored quite a few people on here and helped them raise money for good causes.

Please, now it's payback time.

I plan to undertake the cycle ride of my life in 2018 to help raise funds for the charity who supported me with cold hard cash when I needed it most. It won't be a charity that you've heard of or are likely to benefit from, but I hope the fact they helped me will be incentive enough.

I'm not asking for any large amounts; just £5 here and there will make all the difference.

Many thanks for whatever support you can give.
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If we never heard of or benefit from this charity why would we donate to it ?
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Auntie Merge
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Because they helped and supported someone you know quite well with cold hard cash during the worst time of their life? I think my sponsorship page is clear about the help and support they gave me.

I'm sure there are lots of charities you'll be fortunate enough never to call on, it doesn't mean you never donate.

I'm not forcing anyone to donate if they don't wish to, but I know over the years I've helped and supported a lot of people in a variety of ways. If everyone who I ever helped with careers advice and encouragement, for instance, donated £5, then I would raise over £10,000.
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Daggernewbie.... what a tosser you are!
Would you only give to a cancer charity if you had cancer?
Would you only run the santathon if you used St Francis hospice?
Sorry but you just sound like a total arsehole
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BB-Dagger wrote:Daggernewbie.... what a tosser you are!
Would you only give to a cancer charity if you had cancer?
Would you only run the santathon if you used St Francis hospice?
Sorry but you just sound like a total arsehole
I`ve sponsored lots of people over the years but I like to know what charity I`m donating too,but it`s what Suzanne wrote "It won't be a charity that you've heard of or are likely to benefit from " so why can`t we know what the charity is called ?
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Auntie Merge
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Daggernewbie wrote:
BB-Dagger wrote:Daggernewbie.... what a tosser you are!
Would you only give to a cancer charity if you had cancer?
Would you only run the santathon if you used St Francis hospice?
Sorry but you just sound like a total arsehole
I`ve sponsored lots of people over the years but I like to know what charity I`m donating too,but it`s what Suzanne wrote "It won't be a charity that you've heard of or are likely to benefit from " so why can`t we know what the charity is called ?
You can find out what the charity is called and why I am raising funds for them if you click the link in the post, like so many others today who have successfully and most generously donated.
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Auntie Merge wrote:
Daggernewbie wrote:
BB-Dagger wrote:Daggernewbie.... what a tosser you are!
Would you only give to a cancer charity if you had cancer?
Would you only run the santathon if you used St Francis hospice?
Sorry but you just sound like a total arsehole
I`ve sponsored lots of people over the years but I like to know what charity I`m donating too,but it`s what Suzanne wrote "It won't be a charity that you've heard of or are likely to benefit from " so why can`t we know what the charity is called ?
You can find out what the charity is called and why I am raising funds for them if you click the link in the post, like so many others today who have successfully and most generously donated.
Ok thank you Suzanne
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Location: Irvine, North Ayrshire

Fair play Suzanne!

Whats the date of the ride???
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Auntie Merge
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25th May 2018.

I really must thank the Dagger fans who have already sponsored me, along with those who gave me sponsorship cash today.

It is so much appreciated; thank you.

I’ve also had a lot of sponsorship from fans of

I really am humbled. To have already raised over £1000 (inc gift aid) this early on is quite an achievement and I haven’t even tapped up my core sponsorship targets yet.

Merry Christmas. I love you all xxxxx

Ps for those who were asking. My training should kick off on Xmas morning (weather permitting) when i’ll be out on my fixie testing my dodgy knee. I still have tennis elbow and that should be fixed with an injection next week. I don’t yet have a bike with gears but I’m aiming to purchase a lovely geared touring bike that’s fit for purpose by the beginning of March when I start racking up the miles and practice climbing some steep inclines. Until then, it’s a mixture of the gym and my sweet fixie. The most I’ve ever cycled in a day is around 25 miles. For quite a few years every time I went out on my bike, even to cycle 2 miles, the migraine would cause me to throw up. I’ve only been cycling to the Daggers and home (around 14 miles round trip), on sunny warm days, so you can see that what I am proposing to do is a huge task.
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Auntie Merge
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Merry Christmas everyone. I did my first training ride this morning.
This is how it went. ... 753116276/
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Auntie Merge
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Huge thanks to everyone who has sponsored me so far. It’s hard to believe that it’s less than two weeks to the ride. I had another setback this week which I explain in the latest update, linked below. ... 36128?s=21
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Auntie merge can I ask how you managed to get across to so many fans? I'm raising money for the National Autistic Society by completing a tough mudder dressed as a princess. I have raised much more money than I thought I would, only £500 albeit but I would love to be able to raise more.
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Auntie Merge
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Of course! It’s because I have lots of friends :blum:

Seriously though, I’ve had a marketing plan (hint to the football club; a good long term marketing plan makes all the difference).

I’m self employed so don’t have anything like
a generous employer to back me (a number of employers say they will double any amount raised up to a value of X. If you’re employed by a company, ask about this; the worst that can happen is they say no. They might even make a nominal donation).

I am however in a lot of different networks and organisations and am quite visible so have promoted it throughout.

Whilst my current target says £4000, I am upping that everytime I get close to 75%. Overall I want to raise £10,000 for the charity.

Here are some of the things I’ve done:-

1. If you’ve read my sponsorship page you will know it’s more than ‘this is a good cause’ but gives a hugely personal story. Make your sponsorship page something people can relate to. Some of the things I’ve shared I was in two minds about; I am actually a private person when it comes to personal things. But I know I need to raise money for the charity so if I have to sacrifice some privacy for sponsorship, I’ll do it.

2. Never let your amount raised be over your target. If you’re over target people who were in two minds whether to sponsor you will duck out. (I know; I’ve done it myself. Seen that someone was over target and thought I’d give it to someone else who needed it). Keep raising your target as donations come in.

2. I had business cards printed with my sponsorship link (I’ll upload one later on) as I had three awards dinners and one trade exhibition to go to. Plus lots of other events and socials. Having the business cards has made a difference, as when people go home/back to the office they’ve got a reminder and take action. These only cost me £28.

3. I do a video of my training every week or so, emphasising what an immense challenge this is for me. At the end of each short video is a reference to the charity and ‘the link is above this post’
I’m meant to upload these to my website but I’ve been so busy work wise, I’m behind with this.
Each video has gone on Facebook, Twitter sometimes LinkedIn and Instagram. I think it’s fair to say I do have a few followers on twitter, and I’ve pushed the videos both through my personal and business accounts.

4. The ride lasts over 3 days and I will schedule
some tweets over those days with a sponsorship link and saying where i am. (I’ve got a housesitter as per usual; no point trying to burgle me).

5. I’ve got the charity and the trade associations I’m involved with to mention my sponsorship page. They’ve retweeted the link and mentioned it in their newsletter.

6. I’ve mentioned it in my newsletter too. It will go out again this week, before GDPR decimates my mailing list. All the time I have said ‘if you’ve ever had advice from me, or benefited from something I’ve written, sat in one of my talks or been thankful for the salary survey, THIS IS PAYBACK TIME.’

7. Ask for £5. ‘If everyone could donate £5 it would make a difference’. As you will see, I’ve had a number of people donate much more than this, but it means people are not intimidated by those who’ve sponsored me for £5.

8. I’m about to give an interview to one, maybe two, trade magazines about my story with some information that might not have yet been made widely available.

9. Start a thread on here and on every forum you regularly post on. I am sure a number of people
on here will donate. £5 you say? Yes, I can afford £5.

Hope this helps.
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Auntie Merge
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Ps - add a PS to your email signature. If you’re employed by a company ask permission if you can do this.

I’ve had this going out on every single email I’ve sent since November.

PS Please consider making a donation to my sponsored cycle ride for The Book Trade Charity
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This was a much larger response than I expected thank you for the effort of doing that! I see myself where I get hindered. I work in a special education school so there is no big employee type thing I also only have Facebook which I don't use too often I'm a 23 year old out of the times xD but I will for sure take on advice I already made an event on Facebook and i don't like telling people to donate I feel I shouldn't coerce them into doing so xD but thanks so much!
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