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goal down at halftime
Pennell straight into side and substituted at half time?

Anyone at game to enlighten?
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Changed the shape. Started 352 and changed to 433.
Pondfield Dagger
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not scored in the first half of any game, always low scoring first half- side by side passing and no action, then 1-0 down and we are hoofing like crazy.
6/5 on home win, printing. one word for this team: disjointed
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Look in serious trouble already this year with only 1 point against four very average teams!
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I know it's a results business and we've played some right old crap already but I don't think we are miles away. Losing to the odd goal doesn't point to major issues. I think we are still looking for the right formula and hoping the young lads adjust to this level, and it may happen too late, but I'd like to think we will turn it around soonish.
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We're doing better than I thought. I predicted 6 straight defeats from the off. From what I've seen it's a work in progress , I don't think anyone should be jumping up and down just yet but at the same time I can't see where a win is coming from anytime soon. This is going to be a hard season I'm just glad I can pick and choose.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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As i saw it


Two sloopy goals given away. First thing any Manager would say to a team as they leave the dressing room surely is keep it tight at the back for the first 20 minutes. What Davey was tbinking about giving aeay a free kick in the first minute only he surely knows. We never dealt with the free kick or the resulting corner.

First half really disappointed with Mcqueen and Tomi. Mcween never looked like he wanted to go past therir full back,would have thought he would be full of confidence following his Saturdays display.

Most of the first half Tomi looked like a Subbuteo player, Romain was getting some nice flick ons only for his Partner not antcipating and looked like he was stuck on his heels.

He needs to antcipate and gamble more and try to get in behind.

Our passing was woefull at times first half.To many balls not finding therir target giving away possesion to easily was so frustrating.

When i found out at half time the goal in the third minute wss their first of the season then i was even more frustrated because they were as woefull as us in the last third.

We had restricted them but found ourselves a goal down more of our own making then anything they had done.

The second goal waa a complete and utter farce.


We finally have a manager who is not to stubborn to change things when they clearly are not working. We now have a Manager who is not scared to change the systeam to suit the players rather then trying to change the players to fit the systeam.

Second half we went 433 and we looked far far better and would have got a deserved point in my eyes if we had not conceaded what was a farcical second.

Not for the first time the last quarter we looked at our strongest during the whole match. Firstly Kandhi puts in a screamer and then we have the ball in the net in the last minute only for the Lino flag to come to their aid.

Before that we were only inches away from getting a touch on a ball that fizzes across their six yard box.

Rrynolds display has to be a pisative.Now Luke Howell at Right back may not be his best posistion but he is a vastly experianced player and to see Reynolds have him on toast on more then one occassion can only bode well.

Aldershot will be a top half team but other then the goals i cant think of any other thing that even looked like it would bother our keeper.

We could have folded at 2.0 but the lads stuck at it and very nearly turned it around.

How good is it to see our defenders at least attempting to bring the ball out as they did tonight rather then an aimless hoof.

Left disapponted with the result rather then the display, second half we were by far the better team ,something i did not envisage at half time
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Won’t comment on the actually game as I did not got but if we’ve been unlucky and lost 3 and drawn 1 against below average sides then we are bang in trouble. The players are doing their best but it’s clearly not enough.

We have very little experience which is why I was surprised Hoyte was dropped last night. Experience is vital at his level, without it were only going one way.
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I think when you replace as many players as we have it's going to take time for them to gel. It will come. Believe. COYD!
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One point from four games isn't ideal but when you look at the situation, us having by far the most inexperienced team in the division, the fact that it's only the odd goal beating us surely offers hope. It's only fine margins preventing us from getting the points and by now we could quite conceivably be sitting on eight points which would put us in the play-offs. One point from four games against teams who will probably loiter around 12th-22nd isn't the best and needs to change soon, but it would be more of a worry if we were being outclassed by these teams. Sooner of later our luck should change and we'll get the rewards for our efforts. Keep the faith.
''Dagenham & Redbridge look a very different side to about ten or fifteen minutes ago when they were on the back foot, and here's Benson...BRILLIANT!''
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I wasn't there on Saturday so was my first time seeing the two new signings (McQueen and Tomy), both were very disappointing.

Romain (who I'm not a fan of) won more headers, held the ball up better and looked more of a goal threat than Tomy. And McQueen didn't try and take a man on once. Just continually crossed it into the full back to win a throw.

Agreed with the above poster about Hoyte too, he's decent going forward too. So even if playing 3-5-2, no reason for him to be dropped IMO.
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I’m also bemused why Hoyte was dropped to the bench,probably our most experianced player in a squad full of young inexperienced lads with not many first team games between them.
It’s a shame we only start playing with 20 mins of the game remaining, was the same against Boreham Wood,Maidstone & Maidenhead... as with those games it’s a little to late, after reading some “Shot’s” fans comments on their club twitter, there opinion was that Reynolds goal should of stood and was actually ONside! Just our luck at the moment, nothing falling for us!

Hard to see where the next win is coming from with a difficult away fixture this Saturday against a side who has made a flying start, hopefully the manager can get in another player through the door, preferably a central midfielder as we look particularly weak and lightweight in there, apart from Robinson, Donavan & phipps have looked way out of there depth.
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Auntie Merge
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Sounds like we're still finding our feet. Hopefully we can get some points in the tough games coming up.
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We looked much better and much more assured after switching from 3-5-2 to 4-3-3 after the break. Definitely the way to go going forward.

Frustrating night really. Aldershot, like Maidenhead, Maidstone and Boreham Wood weren't particularly good and didn't offer a lot. We really troubled them without creating too many chances, although once again our biggest threat was down the flanks. Teams are terrified of the pace we possess, just need to start capitalising on that with better crosses and someone who can put the ball into the net in the air. Lovely finish from Kandi on the floor, mind. Really thought we had the equaliser at the end as well.

More positive signs - but as I said after the Boreham Wood game - positive signs are only good enough for a limited period of time. We shouldn't get on the backs of these players who are doing their best in the circumstances but they need to start picking up points sharpish. These first four games were quite kind compared to what's to come and I don't realistically think we'll pick up our first three points until Braintree next month.

Agree RE McQueen, in particular. Didn't look particularly threatening and seemed extremely unsure of what to do when one-on-one with his man out wide.
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