A13 steel!

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I'm unsure how I feel about the home fans in this end. I know it's the best stand but do you not think if those fans tend to be the ones starting the chants they should be in the sieve creating more of an atmosphere?
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It's almost impossible to create an atmosphere in the sieve.
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Used to be in the sieve but there's a lot of people in there who like to spend their Saturday afternoon tutting and making snide comments about those having a sing song. Nothing wrong with not singing, but don't get bitter about those who'd rather enjoy themselves singing or not. Bit too much "I've been standing since..... No one lives a flying one mate " on the terraces unfortunately. The "roof doesn't help much either. Simple fact is if you want to sing, and again I'm not saying it's compulsory to be considered a real fan (that's a debate we can all do without yet again!!), the TBS/A13 is the place to go. It also offers the best views and a bar. If that's your cup of coco, which it is mine. There's a place for everyone to enjoy the football, or try to at least, how they want. We're hardly exceeding safe capacity!!!
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Those of us old enough to remember trumpet and drum days will know that it IS possible to generate an atmosphere in the sieve.

Away supporters such as Hartlepool managed to make plenty of noise in the sieve. Even the pretty feeble showing from Braintree were pretty noisy at times last night, particularly at full time.

It’s a question of getting enough people who want to sing in the same area and getting something people want to sing together.
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Yeah I've been here since the drums were in the sieve it used.to bounce in there and cos they were close to behind the other fans too it got everyone involved so all the daggers were singing as opposed to abiut 80 of us! Would love it if they all came back down!
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The best atmosphere I can remember in the Sieve was for the Rotherham game - the return of Steve Evans.

The place was electric. Obviously the occasion and the result helped but you can certainly generate a great atmosphere in there.
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Auntie Merge
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Last night was the first time in ages that I heard noise from our own fans in both the A13 stand and the sieve.
And when I did ‘come on you reds’ from the Carling, the echo (the sieve) was back.

Such a great atmosphere.

From memory there was always a lot of noise from the sieve, not only in the drum
and trumpet days, but it ran into trouble when
the drum multiplied to 2 drums and the club moved the singers/split them
up/segregated them. Would have been far easier for them to say that only one drum was permitted.
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Last night was really good and the feel around the ground is great I just think there could be more noise for the boys! They work they're arses off that's what I love and I think as fans we should do the same to support them!
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Chesterfield game A13 stand is shut for home fans so everyone will be in the sieve. Drum is available to anyone who wants it every home game.
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If I could make every home game id do it sadly my job keeps me away much more than I'd like! Victoria road is my second home.
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Not that bothered to be honest but we haven't had much to sing about for a long time so it's no great mystery as to why it's been quiet. Maybe I'm an old git but unless the chants are witty or actually beneficial to the team I'm quite happy for everyone to shut up.
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TBS guy last few seasons and love the effort above, had to leave a bit early again last night, did see the penalty but still heard our guys right opposite the first shop (Polska) whilst I was hoofing it to Station, which is pretty unusual just imagine if we could bag another 50 to 100 in there? I think the only time were really going to get it going well is when were quite full that's why I thought when we got the cash job from the Hammers that Wednesday night maybe a few Irons giving it some vocals with our lot thought that was really good acoustics, hope we do get together on this.
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Used to be in Family Stand and I only really noticed the TBS create an atmosphere once we started again in The National league which is a bit odd given all the well supported teams we had down in League 2. So I got my STs in there and there's a hardcore of 30 or so I'd say that generally try and create an atmosphere, good on them. I didn't notice last night any different to normal.
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