Referee and assistants

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Anybody ever wondered how much the referees and Assistants get paid in the national league? Found this online... no wonder we get such a poor standard of referring on a weekly basis,

£110 for a referee
£55 for a linesman ... 55970?s=21
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I do not believe by paying them more you would necessarily see any improvement in standards. At the end of the day they have to make decisions in a split second and not with the benefit of slow motion replays. I more wonder why anyone would possibly ever be interested in becoming a referee as it is a thankless task.
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The issue isn't how much they get paid.
The whole set up is wrong.
Every game there are top level referees getting paid to do very little as fourth officials, if you ignore the Premier League, that's still 36 in the Football League on a full programme of games.
They could be doing other games.
At our level the fourth official are a waste of time and money. Most struggle to operate the subs board which is their only really job.

No-one will get everything right, but the mistakes that are getting made at times are ridiculous.
Against Barnet there were a corner and throw in that were very clear but given the wrong way.

The other problem is that there seems to be no desire to deal with very basic things like time wasting and dissent.
If referees were just a bit stronger on them it would get stopped and they're really not that hard to deal with.
Last edited by Adrian on Sat Jan 05, 2019 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Completely agree Adrian.
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The ref today was sanctioning constant going through the back of Wilkinson. I wouldn’t be surprised if after the game Wilkinson got his car to the end of the road and their team bus smashed into the back of him.
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They can’t even agree on VAR so how you ever going to get all decisions right ? Also , the ref is nearer to most of these incidents and although it’s not nice when they get them wrong I doubt you/I/ anyone else would do better. Football would be boring without poor ref decisions. It’ll never change.VAR should be for goal line incidents only.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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Most refs and assistants at this level are on their way up the ladder and therefore will be doing their very best every game to get assessed well and get better games/promotion to higher (and therefore more money) divisions.

The ones that are crap, well, they're gonna find they don't last too long anyway. A few extra pound notes wont matter.
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