Taylor in Taylor Out

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Do you want Taylor in or Out

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Bump. Very poor run currently.
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Saturday's tactics were a fine example of why there has been scepticism regarding Taylor in the past. We genuinely set up as if we had no interest in winning the game and the exclusion of Munns, McQueen, Phipps, Bellamy and Adeloye for the likes of Will Wright and Lamar Reynolds is quite frankly bizarre. He deserves an immense amount of credit for the run he led us on, but the current form hasn't been great, and our performances since the start of the year, even against Maidstone, have been unconvincing to say the least. It seems as if we've gone backwards but it's worth reminding people that while we look like a side who will stay up effortlessly, should we lose the next three against sides in the play-off picture, especially if Wilkinson is unavailable, we'll be right in the thick of things.
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if you're missing Balanta you do not drop Munns or you have zero creativity, massive error. Nunn is all over the place at the moment, where is Hoyte? Heard a few rumors he is a bit of a hot head, with some of the selections with better players being left out over the last 6 months you can see how that can cause issues. Hopefully a new manager next season will bring a positive attitude to games specially against ones so out of form. Problem being the Yanks seem to have bought into the ethos that Taylor has contacts, if that had been the case we would not have been so awful earlier in the season as he should have signed some better players.

Two big home games for him coming up, hopefully we stay up say thanks for that and send him on his way end of season.
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It wouldn't matter if he had any list of contacts with no resources available to fund that early season. But that keeps being forgot. When money became available it was contacts that got in Wilkinson, Balanta, Onariase etc and contracts have been extended in at least part because those players have faith in his ways.
We should too at this moment in time just over 6 months into his tenure
Going back to this argument every time we have a bump is classic, I didn't hear much call for this on Boxing Day
This is still a young team so there are bound to be these dips.
Personally I like that the owners have promised stability and gradual growth and not the usual knee jerk stuff
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Knee jerk my arse, when you pay good money to watch your team and in form players are dropped for no apparent reason, fans have every right to question the managers tactics. Fans at Wrexham on Saturday were bemused by his selections. We're by no means out of the woods and face three top sides in a row with the possibility of no forwards, I say no forwards as I don't class Reynolds or kandi as actual footballers! Nunn has been dreadful as of late and we have three players in midfield who all do the same job ffs.
It's no good talking about how marvellous a job he's done this season, if he continues to chop and change every week and we continue to slide.
Fans have every right to call him out, he's not god, and sometimes he does get things wrong.
Leaving Munns out on Saturday was a prime example of getting it very wrong, but I suppose he has to justify signing Loft!
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So far this season we have beaten Orient, Salford (away) Harrogate,Fylde, Ebbsfleey (away) ... so we was set up so negatively against a Wrexham side who have gone through 3 managers so far this season, looking more than happy to snatch a 0-0? We’re better than that surely, I mean Wrexham are not that frightening are they?!

Admittedly I hold up my hands & am honest enough to say I was sceptical the first few months of the season about PT, with some of his tactics and recruitment of certain players who were clearly not quite good enough, But most of us put that down to an obvious lack of funds even though he continuously reminds as he has a vast network of contacts to assist him bringing the right players into the squad.

I thought we was turning a corner when the Americans came in and gave Taylor the money to bring in quality such as Manny,Smith,Clarke,Balanta and Wilko especially when we did go on that fantastic unbeaten run before Xmas beating the likes of Orient and moneybags Salford.

But lately the odd bewildering tactics we all saw at the start of the season look to have returned... 3 holding central midfielders all on the pitch at once with Zero creativity (that’s if u can call Wright a central midfielder)
*What’s happened to Munns & Mcqueen? I Thought they were chipping in with their fair share of Goals & assists and looking a threat on the break for us.
*The continuing faith he shows in Reynolds & Kandi who quite obviously cannot hit a barn door even if they do manage to not trip over there own feet for a full 5 minutes.. how are they still at the football club?
*The freezing out of Tomi Adeloye is a strange one when Balanta and now Wilkinson (our 2 top scorers) are
both injured?

Yes granted, the moaning did stop when we was on our brilliant run over Xmas as PT seemed to address the problems for earlier on in the season but now, frustratingly, the square pegs in round holes tactics seemed to have returned
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The knee jerk I was referring to was the owners not coming in and chucking everything out as is often the case in takeovers and it rarely works.
Yes of course any Manager can be questioned it just makes me laugh when we win he is great when we lose he isn't.
Perhaps we were set up negatively due to lack of quality and injury up front
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Explain the last minute of injury time on Saturday, keeper and a outfield player left back for a corner when everyone was back for Wrexham. Gateshead Away earlier in the season we had no strikers on the bench. Gills fans warned us about the negative set up he adopted in his spell there.
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If you want me to guess then perhaps the thinking was planned set piece rather than randomly lump in to more bodies and does the goalie thing work much, no. In fact more likely a breakaway.You leave someone back so when it's hoofed out it can be collected and knocked back in rather than roll out and kill the game.
No strikers on the bench that presumably would be those identified as "not fit for this level"
Is Balanta, Wilkinson, McQueen Munns, wing backs formation negative, hardly. Tactics do change based on opponents. Perhaps Gills fans were also experiencing lack of patience and presumably that information is garnered from their Forum so we know how reliable that is
I don't agree with all the selections and tactics on occasion but who was it who said it's a game of opinions
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Totally agree it’s a game of opinions, I would have rather lost two nil on saturday going for it in the last minute. Ref blew up just after it was taken. Have seen enough of Kandi and Reynolds to know McQueen and Munns are much better options and both were left out, puzzling selections.
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Also can anybody let me know what Will Wright can do that nobody else in the squad can? How is he a better option than Phipps and would he get any other central Midfield in our league?

Also is he a centre half or a Midfielder by trade?
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Must say, after listening to Taylor's post match interview, I'm more convinced now that Munns, McQueen and Smith were dropped for some reason other than tactical or performance in games. Reading between the lines, it sounded like a bit of a kick up the backside. Perhaps they've not trained as well as some others or said the wrong thing to somebody etc. Still don't disagree with Munns and McQueen being absent. Hopefully deep down (although he'd never admit it), Taylor realises Munns and McQueen are essential in the absence of Balanta/Wilkinson.
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Might not be a popular point of view but I played in a team where the managers favourites started every game but didn’t even bother turning up for training. If you’re putting in less effort in training why should you automatically play. Nobody we’ve got is that good are they ? The team should never pick itself. Or how you ever going to instill discipline.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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I say give him the summer transfer window to build his own team with the plenty of money the owners will give. If around Christmas we're far off from where we're meant to be then he should go.
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I’m pretty sure Phipps is still injured, so it’s hard to be annoyed about his exclusion. But where is Bellamy? Adeloye being dropped is also baffling, it’s my one genuine complaint about Taylor recently.

I’m not sure if Taylor is the right manager to take us into the league, however following Nov/Dec I think he has earned a chance to get our patience in these dry spells. I think a lot of this anger recently is more a result of people foolishly putting an eye on the playoffs when we were still closer to relegation than 7th. It was always the case that some bad results could leave us looking over our shoulder, it just seems like a lot of people forgot that.
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