Black history month.

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Is it a good thing of course it is, will it make a difference to attendances moving forward, no. Only have to look at the against racism games, these have had zero impact on out attendances. Improving the facilities will help people come, no attraction to a family other than the large away stand, rest of the ground it unsuitable for families. The stand we offer as family is the worse view in the stadium, that needs to change.
Ally Fraser
Posts: 66
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dj johnny b wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2019 9:48 am And that Ally Fraser is total rubbish.
This isn't 'leftie rubbish' - this is the 21st century and some people need to catch up quickly.
It’s not though is it. Anyway celebrating one race over another is a tad racist.
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Location: Romford

Ally Fraser wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2019 10:34 am
dj johnny b wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2019 9:48 am And that Ally Fraser is total rubbish.
This isn't 'leftie rubbish' - this is the 21st century and some people need to catch up quickly.
It’s not though is it. Anyway celebrating one race over another is a tad racist.
You're missing the point entirely. Black history is not being celebrated at the expense of any other group. The local library will be full of books on the history of England, and in schools we were taught about the British Royals, the civil war and the World Wars. Throughout history people of colour have been subject to horrendous treatment, as well as other groups I should add, this month is about broadening horizons so that history is not repeated.
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Some really weird points being made. Maybe the programme will have some special features in it. But what is anyone on here going to know about what is going on at the club next week? Ask the club if you care that much.

But honestly who actually cares if anyone learns anything? I just want to see some more fans come through the gates and stick around. If not then back to the drawing board as per.

This is also a genuine point, before the easily offended start getting teary-eyed. Why did we bother doing an event for Jodie Chesney a few months ago? Wasn’t like she was in the crowd often or was likely to start turning up afterwards, was it? I guess sometimes it’s just good to do something nice for the community and see if it raises our profile... who knows.
Posts: 274
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Unfortunately to comment on these subjects leaves one open to others narrow minded retorts, it’s an opinion nothing else.
I’m sure nobody is saying that black history isn’t important and neither saying that local or British national history isn’t important,
By saying it’s important to stop these historic atrocities happening again is all very well but after the nazis persecution of the Jews people and politicians campaigned and still campaign for a holocaust type scenario never to happen again but tell that to the Rwandans, tell that to the Bosnians slaughtered as the world stood and watched doing nothing, tell that to the Muslim minority’s in Myanmar, tell that to the Palestinians!
Slavery should be a thing of the past but people trafficking from Eastern Europe is rife, slaves in Oman building sporting venues for the next World Cup are abused and mistreated but what do the international community do about that? F#ck all because there is no worth in it for themselves.
By having days or months for black history, gay rights or women’s rights only give bigots a reason and opportunity to discriminate, personally I treat everyone with the respect that they deserve Regards of race religion or gender but it doesn’t stop me having an opinion on these events.
Posts: 1332
Joined: Fri Oct 18, 2013 1:58 pm

Glad to see the club doing this, no secret that the demographic in the stands does not reflect what is on the pitch and we need to do something to attract certain sections of the local population.

Maybe they won’t come back, who knows, but why not at least try. Those complaining, I don’t understand why? Do you want more fans or not?

Maybe I’m generalising, but I don’t believe I’m wide of the mark when I say the young black boys/girls don’t have parents who would even think about watching a 5th division team. So all the club can do is encourage the kids to come, the players put in a good performance (imagine), and they might just want to come back.

I am by no means a leftie and I hate today’s PC society as much as the next person, but I also live in the real world and I do care about the future of this club. So if the club are being proactive with new ideas to attract more people, they’ve got my support. I hope to have another 60 years in me at least, so it’d be nice to still have a club by then.
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