RIP Simmo

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Sad news that Dave Simpson former club photographer and director passed away on Wednesday. Great character.

RIP Simmo
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Was always nice and helpful to me, seemed like a good bloke. Thoughts with his family, RIP Simmo.
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I had the pleasure to work with Simmo for many years at the club. Total respect for the bloke, he was always jolly, funny and full of info hence we called him Statto. He was also a great photographer from who I learnt much. He’s been missed around the club since his departure, now so even more. RIP big guy
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Has above Dave was a really top guy,and it certainly hasn’t been the same without him.
Remember having a great time with him,when daggers were in Holland.
Really sad news RIP Simmo
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Was a great help in the early days when my Dad & I started the Original Unofficial Daggers site back in 1997.

Had some fun pre-season tours down in the West Country with him too.

RIP Simmo.
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I haven't been around the forum for a while.

Have popped back to offer my condolences and sadness at such bad news.

We started supporting the club in 1996 and met up with Simmo when we started the original forum and website.

He was always helpful and encouraged us to further develop the site without undue pressure to tow the party line.

Had many a Daggers related discussion in the bar after the game before having a proper Saturday sing-song.

I can't really get my head around his passing, I'm struggling a bit tbh. All I know is that he was always positive when it came to helping us.

I probably haven't seen him for 5 years or so, but he will always be in my memory.

RIP Dave

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Auntie Merge
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My heart is broken today.

We were the same age and he met me when I was 19, in the days I still wore ribbons in my hair, when he was the Chairman of Walthamstow Avenue Booster Club, and I was Secretary of Leytonstone Ilford Supporters Club (the raffle girl!).

The jokes were that our clubs were merging and everyone expected us to merge too, but it was never on the cards.

Together we merged our supporters clubs to form Redbridge Forest Supporters. I became Chair and he went on to the board of the Football Club.

We sometimes travelled to games together and used to go out for pizza or a kebab after most games and he was with me on day 13 of my 21st birthday (dreadful hangover day!).

I have so many stories about Dave, most of which are not appropriate for a public audience!

A few years ago he said to me, 'Do you realise, if we had got married back when we first met, we'd have been married for 25 years by now?'
And I replied
'No Dave, we'd have been married 25 years ago but probably divorced 23 years ago!'

RIP Dave. You stopped me doing many a stupid thing and had a laugh with me about so many other stupid things.

A man who had a heart of gold, a diplomat at times of conflict and true friend. Condolences to his family, friends and the wider football community. We've all lost a good one.
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Very sad to hear this news.

Simmo was a great bloke, who loved our club.

RIP Dave.
Ally Fraser
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RIP Simmo
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Mike the Dagger
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A really sad day.

Simmo helped me and Nelson so much with DiggerDagger both materially with photos and articles and with the inside track on what was happening around the club.

I always thought of him as a good friend and he's been missed since he moved on in such strange circumstances.

Gone way too soon, condolences to those he leaves behind. RIP Dave.
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Sadly another old school character gone and nice stories to read about the guy who just felt like 'one of the lads'. Didn't really know him so long as many at the club but we had a 'good' habit of going for early trains on away days and the meet up where we shared some great stories and the odd pint on route, and too right Ian Eindhoven mid July '15 in that late bar stands out as one of the best. Lost a good guy.
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We at the Supporter's Club are saddened to hear about the sad passing of former Club Director and Photographer Dave Simpson today.

We at the Supporters Club would like to pass on our condolences to his parents and his brother Tony and everybody that knew Dave.

Dave was always a great help to the Supporter’s Club over the years and will be missed by everyone at the Supporters Club.

Once again we at the Supporters Club would like to pass on our condolences to his parents and his brother Tony and everybody who knew Dave at this very sad time. ... e-simpson/
Dagenham Dagger
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RIP Simmo
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I really don't know what so say..
He was a good guy, who only ever wanted the best for this club... I mainly spoke to him at the away games.. I think the last time I spoke to him was at Braintree away (Christmas period) a few years ago.

RIP Simmo ... you will be sorely missed
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A tragic loss , RIP fella.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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