Even F......g worse!!

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We lost 4-2 to an even worse team than Southend . They don't know what they're doing!!!

Awful Dagenham !!!!!!
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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Yikes... just on the last two games who on earth do we start next up, goalkeeper aside without their confidence being shot to pieces??

Where on earth do we go from here??
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Strevolution update:

13 games, 13 points.

At what point do we declare it a Strevlegation Battle?
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This all started at the end of last season when the Yanks and Thompson decided to offload all our quality and build a team on the cheap to replace Walker, McCallum, Morias etc. If you pay peanuts you get Monkeys and we have a right bunch of chimps playing for us now. I didn't believe it when everyone on the forum said that Southend were a good team and that we would find it easier against Gateshead. This team is the most diabolical I have seen since Graham Carr (Alan's Dad) was our manager in 1996. If the Americans are bored with us and not prepared to fund the 'project' anymore then do us a favour and stick us up for sale. I don't want to blame Strevens at this stage because I really want him to succeed but 3 at the back tonight - really? Gateshead are not a top National League side and will probably lose more games than they win this season but we made them look amazing at times tonight. I had my doubts about this season but nothing close to the nightmare I've witnessed so far. The club is dying on it's arse and this new team epitomises the poor leadership we have seen from both Freund and Thompson in the past few years.
Broom Broom Broom - Let me hear you say Wayo - Wayo!
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That was a shocking performance. To be fair I thought Gateshead looked pretty good kept the ball well knocked it about lovely there keeper was even in on the passing around us. Our two goals only come from there own mistakes nothing creative from us at all to score our goals. The defence looked leaky as hell. Johnson why do we persist with him he's not up to scratch. I'm sorry as well but every one bangs on about phipps but he's just as bad. When are we gonna realise most of our defence last year including the keeper are still here starting every work except Eastman. We are a dying club and it's showing now I actually hate going over to watch us. Its boring nothing exciting but I still can't draw myself away from it. Just torcher week in week out.
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Thought we started well . Complete control for the first half hour but you are always thinking who is going to get the goals, the only bloke capable was sitting on his arse. Me old mums saying " its all fur coat and no knickers" came to mind

After 30 minutes we had ran our race and Gateshead just took the piss. Another two injuries and they befell two of the few bright lights on a very dull Christmas Tree.

We really got this Kendell for a season because if we are relying on him to get us the goals relegate us now , totally useless and a sure fire addition to Arnu's list. Part of his loan deal is that he can return to Lincoln for Cup games. Absolute no chance of getting any respite from that useless twonk.

Feel sorry for Strevs because he has been left with the only thing in quantity after the Lords Mayors show. The decision to allow the previous Manager to spunk millions up the wall when he should have been shown the door at least a year earlier now means the pot iis bare.

He needs five new signings now to cover these injuries and move on those who are past it and those who never will be good enough.

Oh and if Blair cant get in ahead of some of this lot then surely the Manager already has one candidate for his own never will be's.

What must he be thinking of the Managers comments that he has got to improve his all round game when he sits there watching some of this lot.

Dreadful does not come near it and after Altrincham i was deluded enough to think this team had something about
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I'm chuffed I didn't get a season ticket.
Absolute piss take of a club.
Feel sorry for Strevs having to work with f..k all, after letting the previous incumbent piss budgets up the wall with sheer incompetence.
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Danamite wrote: Tue Aug 15, 2023 11:32 pm That was a shocking performance. To be fair I thought Gateshead looked pretty good kept the ball well knocked it about lovely there keeper was even in on the passing around us. Our two goals only come from there own mistakes nothing creative from us at all to score our goals. The defence looked leaky as hell. Johnson why do we persist with him he's not up to scratch. I'm sorry as well but every one bangs on about phipps but he's just as bad. When are we gonna realise most of our defence last year including the keeper are still here starting every work except Eastman. We are a dying club and it's showing now I actually hate going over to watch us. Its boring nothing exciting but I still can't draw myself away from it. Just torcher week in week out.

With all due respect what do you want Strevs to do in relation to Johnson play with 10 men? Surely you can count .

21 players signed . Two are Goalkeepers . One is on the naughty step four are injured . Think he is playing Johnson through need not through choice.

Another legacey of the idiot we allowed to run amock with the money. What he ever did to deserve a contract exstension beggers belief .
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I've been a dagger for years but currently live in Lincolnshire and travel down for most home games while also dragging along my partner and kids sometimes kicking and screaming. I don't think I can justify 4hr drive plus the cost of fuel and tickets and worst of all my youngest daughter saying to me " you said it would be good".. "Dad your liar it was rubbish" I've got a big task ahead of me trying to get them in the car for the next home game....
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ryo198122 wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2023 1:29 pm I've been a dagger for years but currently live in Lincolnshire and travel down for most home games while also dragging along my partner and kids sometimes kicking and screaming. I don't think I can justify 4hr drive plus the cost of fuel and tickets and worst of all my youngest daughter saying to me " you said it would be good".. "Dad your liar it was rubbish" I've got a big task ahead of me trying to get them in the car for the next home game....
All credit to you sir. I think if this mob were playing in my back garden I would be tempted to draw the curtains....
Broom Broom Broom - Let me hear you say Wayo - Wayo!
Posts: 397
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ryo198122 wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2023 1:29 pm I've been a dagger for years but currently live in Lincolnshire and travel down for most home games while also dragging along my partner and kids sometimes kicking and screaming. I don't think I can justify 4hr drive plus the cost of fuel and tickets and worst of all my youngest daughter saying to me " you said it would be good".. "Dad your liar it was rubbish" I've got a big task ahead of me trying to get them in the car for the next home game....
You are a true fan, it's like a drug, despite a lot of disappointments over the last few years it is very difficult to give it up but in your case I have to give extra credit to your determination and commitment in travelling down from Lincs.
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