Looked good.

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Even though my affection for the club has been diluted by some of our recent acquisitions, I must praise the team for their performance yesterday.

The defence, (apart from young Jack), were impressive against a team of giants.

The forward moving interplay was great to watch, as was Cureton.

I also found it refreshing not to have the manager ranting and raving from the first minute. Perhaps he can take a softer approach in future.

A good start to the season.
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It was a good display by pretty much all who played.Connors had a bit of a hard time passing the ball again and it worries me that his weaknesses are exploited by all the other teams that identify them.To me he seems a bit small for the job and easily pushed off the ball.Needs a few dinners in him and to get on them weights.Consistently our weakest player at the moment,what is the alternative LB like ?
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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ARNU wrote:
Adrian wrote:
ARNU wrote:
You can roll your eyes but what planet do you live on where you can insult someone for no particularly important reason and not get told to ****** off ?
That's funny given the insults you chuck out. And now will deny having ever done because you don't have the balls to admit that you're a complete hypocrite.
Apart from telling digger to ****** off wanker(And that was only in retaliation) you wont find me insulting anyone on here.Show me where I insulted anyone for their view ? You called me a hypocrite by the way.....which is somewhat rich coming from you.
You quite happy to insult people, and you've aimed plenty at me in the past. Calling me angry, a keyboard warrior and so in. They're all insults.
You just don't have the balls to be able to admit that you have done it.

I'm not sure how calling you a hypocrite is rich coming from me. I give and I take, and have no problem admitting to it either. I certainly don't chuck insults around and then act like I've never done it.

But we all know that you never have done anything wrong and never will do anything wrong.
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Masked Man wrote:
Lcbdagger wrote:
Nobody doubts his football pedigree Nick, but just playing Devil's advocate to those having a go at ARNU, read the story about him again... he has almost certainly served no 'penance'... the fact he didn't do jail time for what he did is incredible

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... -dock.html
I think this tells you about all you need to know...

The £350 a week footballer wept in the dock as Judge Angela Morris said she would suspend his jail term :roll:
Ahhh did the nasty judge make him cry ? Some gangster.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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Adrian wrote:You quite happy to insult people, and you've aimed plenty at me in the past. Calling me angry, a keyboard warrior and so in. They're all insults.
You just don't have the balls to be able to admit that you have done it.

I'm not sure how calling you a hypocrite is rich coming from me. I give and I take, and have no problem admitting to it either. I certainly don't chuck insults around and then act like I've never done it.

But we all know that you never have done anything wrong and never will do anything wrong.
Oh well if you class that as insults then I am indeed guilty.You are by far the angriest persona on here by a long way Adrian.Your tone even in the friendliest of discussions is normally quite stern.Keyboard warrior.....yes I did call you that but actually thinking about it..no you are not.Having had a few years of you I now retract that criticism.I wont be alone in thinking you take it all a bit too seriously though so angry remains an accurate description for your scriblings rather than an insult to you personally.I have though made numerous posts stating my admiration for you as a poster on here,you are at least consistent.I do plenty wrong by the way and every so often learn from it.Didnt hurt and didn't need any balls either.Knowing your own weaknesses is a strength.Have you got any ?
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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ARNU wrote:It was a good display by pretty much all who played.Connors had a bit of a hard time passing the ball again and it worries me that his weaknesses are exploited by all the other teams that identify them.To me he seems a bit small for the job and easily pushed off the ball.Needs a few dinners in him and to get on them weights.Consistently our weakest player at the moment,what is the alternative LB like ?
My understanding is that Green is injured so the quality (or otherwise) of our other recognised LB is irrelevant until we get him fit... could understand Connors having a poor game and getting ruined by a decent winger (like Burton like year among others0 but he looked completely devoid of all confidence even getting the ball yesterday... very sad to see second half
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Great football we played ar times

Liked the way we defended the corners by leaving 3 up it confused the other players big time. We not very good at defending corners so might as well try nick a goal from 1

Chambers looks a different player and we stoll have the best 2 players in this division to come in

Happy days
but we finished 9th!
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Green is not injured, he was on the bench on Saturday if I'm not mistaken. Have to agree tho' Connors confidence looks rock bottom at the minute and yes he is the week link at the back.
leaving 3 up at corners is certainly different but it didn't take long before Mansfield sussed out what was happening, so after a couple of corners one of their wide defenders pushed forward looking for a short corner which forced our wide man to track back.
Love him or hate him I think partridge is already showing signs that he's a very good defender.
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Matt Partridge is definitely been our best player this term, think he'll turn out as first man on the team sheet at this rate. Also O'Brien is becoming more confident now and just maybe he'll add us a few valuable points in the season.
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