That interview

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Having listened to the whole thing a couple of times ive gotta cut the guy some slack,there was an emotional guy and you know he is feeling the pressure so much,get that win and then that adrenalin rush where he is interviewed probably too quick and lets off a lot of steam.Most of which i agree with others was frankly dross,he should have just kept it short and just praised the boys.We know who works hard at the club etc,of course we missed rhys,medy,and zavon,who if would have played all last season would probably have gone on too bigger and better things by now anyway.He will look back monday and probably have a bit of regret so maybe the next interview we see/read will be better constructed and we can just hear about a brilliant and very important 3 points for the lads.So i will cut him a bit of slack this time,congrats to the team and i will say well done to our fans who were brilliant yesterday,best atmosphere for a while knowing we all needed to pull together and stayed with the team after going one down.Perhaps wayne should have mentioned that bit too!Lastly i will finish on a low and say it disappoints me greatly to hear some of the abuse on here,some of the personal stuff has been a disgrace frankly,to the manager and to each other in fairness.Keep the criticism constructive,lets all try to stay friends as we are all daggers and hopefully sooner rather than later we will get what we all want,a better daggers team climbing that table either with or without our current manager.
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Auntie Merge
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You are Wayne Burnett AICM£5
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Hang on... If you're Wayne then Sussex must be Hackett or Currie... Making more sense now
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Mike the Dagger
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Short minded people... I guess that is me.

Wayne, you're out of your depth, please go. You can't keep banging on about last season when 9th was a freak position.

That is embarrassing. What abuse has he taken? Never made an excuse?? Haven't changed anything?? The man has totally lost it.

22nd is our target this season and apparently every other season? FFS!

"I can only win by winning." Too right mate.
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Dagger Steve
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To be honest, I wasn't angered by the interview. And if you want Burnett to go, this shouldn't be one of the reasons.

I just found it a really strange thing to do.

On matchdays he has had little to no abuse from the crowd as a whole. Obviously the odd altercation here and there. But if he is basing his comments on that, or reading this forum (which he really shouldn't be) which has about 30ish regular posters of a 1600 hardcore support (and only very recently have most of that 30 questioned his management), then thats simply not fair.
We have some of the most patient and reasonable fans in the league. Anywhere else he would have chants from the terrences for his head weeks ago.

So I just found it peculiar timing really to call out the fans who have been unbelievably patient, after one good win against a poor side.

This isn't a Burnett bashing post, I hope he still turns it around if he is staying. Guess i'm just a bit miffed.
And for people saying its a shame we are talking more about the interview more then an important win, who's fault is that?
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1600 Steve? We're only getting 1000-1100 Home fans a game so the other 500 can't really be 'hardcore' surely?
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Funny that WB should mention Brendan Rodgers..... after his latest loss against Palace there are a lot of similar things being said...

Wonder if Rodgers will further follow suit & come out with a Burnett-esque outburst after his next win???? Unlikely hey!

By the way, Daggers Steve, agree with your latest post 100% !!
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I don't think anyone is going to want him out just because of the interview, but the flip side is that it isn't going to get people on his side either.

All he really succeeded in doing was taking away for a positive result and a decent performance by being quite negative. He should let someone else do the interviews as he clearly has no clue how to do them. A less agreeable interviewer would have ended up making him look a bigger idiot than he managed himself.
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Mike the Dagger
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Adrian wrote:I don't think anyone is going to want him out just because of the interview, but the flip side is that it isn't going to get people on his side either.

All he really succeeded in doing was taking away for a positive result and a decent performance by being quite negative. He should let someone else do the interviews as he clearly has no clue how to do them. A less agreeable interviewer would have ended up making him look a bigger idiot than he managed himself.
Spot on.

You will recall John Still's mantra of never too high, never too low. While this is itself was a cliche, it did work. Burnett sounded suicidal when interviewed after the Southport defeat, and was suddenly all beligerant five days later after beating Carlisle.

One win doesn't turn the season around, and now we have to be looking at also beating Tranmere in our next home game, which might start to indicate there is some light at the end of the tunnel that isn't a frieght train heading towards us at 50mph. The last time we won more than one game in a row at home was before his last misguided interview against Wycombe a year ago this coming Sunday.

Given how poor 2014 has been for home fans, he has actually been given a hell of a lot of support, and actually on Saturday the crowd were pretty positive right from the start.
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Was actually a little disappointed with Stu Smith too as it happens.

Nearly always speaks perfect sense in his commentaries and even his interviews are usually a little more pressing than the Daggers player ones (not difficult)
Perhaps he was just caught unawares on this occassion but his constant agreement with WB and the way he buckled so easily to the questions he was asked was a little aggravating.
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Mike the Dagger wrote:
Adrian wrote:I don't think anyone is going to want him out just because of the interview, but the flip side is that it isn't going to get people on his side either.

All he really succeeded in doing was taking away for a positive result and a decent performance by being quite negative. He should let someone else do the interviews as he clearly has no clue how to do them. A less agreeable interviewer would have ended up making him look a bigger idiot than he managed himself.
Spot on.

You will recall John Still's mantra of never too high, never too low. While this is itself was a cliche, it did work. Burnett sounded suicidal when interviewed after the Southport defeat, and was suddenly all beligerant five days later after beating Carlisle.

One win doesn't turn the season around, and now we have to be looking at also beating Tranmere in our next home game, which might start to indicate there is some light at the end of the tunnel that isn't a frieght train heading towards us at 50mph. The last time we won more than one game in a row at home was before his last misguided interview against Wycombe a year ago this coming Sunday.

Given how poor 2014 has been for home fans, he has actually been given a hell of a lot of support, and actually on Saturday the crowd were pretty positive right from the start.
While watching the highlights on the FLS, Still lived up to that mantra. They'd lost and he essentially went a long the line of being pleased with the performance but disappointed to lose.
He may well have then gone and torn into the team in the dressing room, but publically he sent a positive message out.

If Wayne wants to have a dig at the support, he might want to wait will he's for ten wins on the trot and made those of us that doubt him look silly.
In that case, Id be inclined to think fair play to him. Doing it after one win just made me think he's a bit of a plonker.
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As a Daggers supporter, I found the interview a total embarrassment!

We had finally got a home win (against a very poor team), so the manager decides to tell us over and over and over again, that he knows best! So for me, the positive feeling after the win has now been dissipated by his verbal outpourings.

He should have come on to tell us that it was the time to celebrate and that hopefully our improvement would continue.

If we lose at Bury and fail to beat Tranmere , then what has he really achieved, apart from driving the divide between the supporters and him even wider.

The other thing to document, is that all these "brilliant" people that he mentioned get paid! The real stars are the few people who volunteer and do not even take a complimentary ticket for their efforts.

18 minutes that I will never get back!
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He shouldn't do interviews within 48 hrs of a match.He needs to chill out,have a beer and maybe prepare a statement,one that he's really thought about and layed out appropriately.If he listens to it back,Im sure he is intelligent enough to realise he made a total twat out of himself there.He may have a valid point or two but that was just car

Id imagine the majority listening would've felt attacked by his comments,wouldnt give a shit about what other stuff goes on at the club,wouldnt care about the budget as we all the know the score there and would probably just be pissed off about recent results and ludicrous tactics,line ups,substitutions and defensive frailty.Id imagine the majority would be digging out the manager and coaching staff or less likely the individual players.

I cant see how his words have bought him any new friends,and to think I was his greatest fan.:roll:
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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Echo these latest sentiments.

What I also find the most hypocritical thing of it all is that for weeks now he has repeatedly & I mean repeatedly said “the results haven’t been good enough and he needs to win games” – “the buck stops with him” – “he understands the fans criticism & anger”. With ALL that in mind, if he really felt and understood all that, absolutely ZERO of his outburst made any sense nor tied in with his previous comments.

As Mike has rightly pointed out, up until the last couple of weeks (probably Shrewsbury) the fans have remained fairly positive and supportive. And even then it’s only literally been a handful of people who have dared voice their anger towards him & the team.

He did eventually say that he regretted the Wycombe outburst so maybe he will come out soon to say he realises he went a little too far this time. I wont hold my breath though!
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Did someone post a link to the interview only I can't find it?
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