OT Scottish Referendum

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bloke down the pub
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I will change my bank if there is a yes vote. RBS will be to much of a gamble.
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Very few of us on here have only just mastered the art of talking bollocks about football.Politics,religion and other important stuff that actually matters should not left to us lot LOL!!!
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bloke down the pub
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Its not we dont have a vote.
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bloke down the pub wrote:Its not we dont have a vote.
We're not Scottish.We didn't vote in the Canadian Quebec referendum either.
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Masked Man
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ARNU wrote:
bloke down the pub wrote:Its not we dont have a vote.
We're not Scottish.We didn't vote in the Canadian Quebec referendum either.
We did not vote in whether we want to be in Europe either - some previous uninformed, pre-freedom of Internet information Generation did...

Surely like Elections, Countries should have periodical updates as to whether they want to be part of Unions or not - it's not like we're owned by anyone and have to get the shareholders consent... Oh, hang on... :cry:
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The fact is we did vote (or at least our parents/ grandparents did) on wether we should join the European Union and at the time
it was a sensible thing to do regarding trade etc, but Europe has changed with the introduction of non elected beurocrats, at the time any country wishing to join had to prove they had something to offer the “community” as far as trading and finance were concerned.
Now due to these unelected no nothing turds who want to turn the European Union into the United States of Europe we let any country join regardless on their inability to contribute anything whatsoever, they want to change our laws and our fast waning identity to suit a euro dream that will only lead to disaster.

So now that the set up and rules have changed we should be allowed to vote again on what is a totally different EEC that we joined in 1973
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Masked Man
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I think that's only fair.

And I think every generation should have the option too.
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Arnu wrote "We're not Scottish. We didn't vote in the Canadian Quebec referendum either".

Arnu, I am Canadian and I didn't have an opportunity to vote in the Quebec election either. If I, and the many in the West would have had (and loved) the opportunity, I am pretty sure those in Quebec wanting to separate, would have gotten what they wanted...............
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I think my serious point is that its a matter for the Scots,and whilst it will have a detrimental effect on us that is the price of democracy.

Should people who live in Romford be able to vote for the Dagenham and Barking MP ?

Not really Id say,none of romfords business.

You might think Im being silly but its the same thing.
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davei wrote:Arnu wrote "We're not Scottish. We didn't vote in the Canadian Quebec referendum either".

Arnu, I am Canadian and I didn't have an opportunity to vote in the Quebec election either. If I, and the many in the West would have had (and loved) the opportunity, I am pretty sure those in Quebec wanting to separate, would have gotten what they wanted...............
Do you live in Quebec ?
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Do I live in Quebec, absolutely not. I'm on the other side of the country, beautiful British Columbia.

However, when someone mentions that because they are not Scottish they should not vote, I tend to disagree. For years (longer than I've been here) Canadians have been held hostage by Quebec with the threat of separation through which they have now been able to morph in to special status within Canada, they have their own language laws that discriminate against the English, plus receive a myriad of other special treatment and favours from a Federal Government that for reasons of corruption, graft and the like, do not want them to leave.

Just wait Arnu, if the vote is a no, they will continue to harp on about it looking for favours. If the vote is a yes, they will use that to get the favours to convince them to stay. It's like the little kid with the football, if I don't get my way I'm taking my ball and going home............
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davei wrote:Do I live in Quebec, absolutely not. I'm on the other side of the country, beautiful British Columbia.

However, when someone mentions that because they are not Scottish they should not vote, I tend to disagree. For years (longer than I've been here) Canadians have been held hostage by Quebec with the threat of separation through which they have now been able to morph in to special status within Canada, they have their own language laws that discriminate against the English, plus receive a myriad of other special treatment and favours from a Federal Government that for reasons of corruption, graft and the like, do not want them to leave.

Just wait Arnu, if the vote is a no, they will continue to harp on about it looking for favours. If the vote is a yes, they will use that to get the favours to convince them to stay. It's like the little kid with the football, if I don't get my way I'm taking my ball and going home............

Where about BC Dave? I'm visiting Vancouver in Jan.
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dagger4eva wrote: And whether you like or hate Cameron, Osborne and Clegg, it would be foolish imo not to recognise the good job they & the coalition are doing in correcting the complete and utter mess left behind by the previous regime....
Apart from:

Iain Duncan Smith/DWP making a complete mess of the implementation of Universal Credit. Used false figures to justify disabled benefit cuts and has been pulled up numerous times by the ONS for similar offences http://t.co/tK9Bga0va1
Jeremy Hunt/Andrew Lansley quietly and systematically selling off/privatising the NHS
Chris Grayling changing the legal aid system that not only means that some of our most vulnerable people will no longer have access to justice, or that some of the best legal minds in the country have berated, and was even challenged in court by David Cameron's QC brother!
Osborne has repeatedly missed his own targets for both increasing the UK's GDP (only country in G8 with worse is Italy) and national debt, and has actually increased borrowing. This has been our slowest recovery from a recession in 300 years http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/com ... 45218.html

There's a few reasons for starters, without including Vince Cable/Osborne selling off Royal Mail cheaply (with another arm of the company who advised on the starting share price being allowed to buy a huge amount if shares themselves, and make an instant killing. I haven't even got around to mentioning Michael Gove. Or the latest housing bubble caused by a combination of help to buy and the lowest new builds since the turn of the century.

I'm no fan of Labour either, but I can't agree at all with the opinion the Government have done a good job. What would you say has improved?

As for protest votes - I remember the times when if people wanted to protest they would vote for non-malicious parties like the Greens. When did we start to think that giving nasty, bigoted, hateful groups like UKIP or the BNP the protest vote was a good idea?
Last edited by TomMc on Sat Sep 13, 2014 10:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Well put tom

all the partys imo couldnt run a bath let alone a country its about time politicians took a long hard look at them self's and sort out the mess they got us in.

good luck to the sweaty socks running there country. Now lets try run our bloody own.
but we finished 9th!
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Cant argue too strongly against much of what you said there Tom (for once lol) however it is a fact that as soon as Clegg went in with the Tories he automatically would have lost 50% of his following as the liberals were no longer the protest vote anymore.The people that used lib dem as a protest vote new fine well that the lib dems would never get in so their vote was not a risk until last time out.I don't think anyone voting UKIP really expects(or even wants) a UKIP government either.I also don't believe you have to be racist or a bigot to want out of the European union.You probably do have to have to have racism in your character to vote BNP though.

If the Greens were a credible protest vote they'd get the following of the currently disenfranchised.However they offer absolutely no threat to Conservative or Labour.UKIP do.You only have to see the difference in language from the top party leaders nowadays to see that UKIP have shit them right up.No longer do they refer to UKIP supporters as Racists and Bigots and fruitcakes or loons.Instead they now panda to them and refer to them as ex Tory or labour voters who have become disappointed at the hard decisions that have had to be made.
So in short it is quite a bit of an insult to label UKIP protest voters as Racists.This being exactly the same mistake the Tories and Labour have made in recent times.Its not only Tory's voting UKIP.Labour also have lost out to them.Farage says a lot of things that do resonate with the general public and especially the disenfranchised.Voting green is totally pointless,you'd be better just to spoil your paper.
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