Time for a change

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Auntie Merge
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Daggernewbie wrote:
Auntie Merge wrote:
SUSSEX DAGGER wrote:Seens to gone off topic a little.

To desribe the supoorters Club as nothing more then a travel Club is to ne a tad insulting on those who put so much time and effort in. They currently have 300 Members which probably equates to a 5th of those who attend games during the season. It would surprise me if any of the culprits are in fact Members and perhaps that is something that could be put into the rules and constotution, anybody proven to act in a manner predidicial to the Club will be disciplined.Other then that there is not a lot more they can do in my eyes

Also find it more then a tad ironic and hypocritical that somebody who has made repeated comnents since this thread has changed tact was only to glad to post on Social Media the new flag that apoeared at Solihull Moors and was also wearing a sticker that had been produced that also made reference to another flag that has also caused offence in some quarters. That only gives oxygon to People who some feel are not acting in the Clubs best interest. Personally it is something that i dont take much notice of and never really have.

Swearing to me is always going to occur sadly, i wont claiim to be whiter then white. I find it offensive when it becomes Personal and a rant.

There was some clown on Monday continuelly hounding our goalkeeper, what fault could be blamed on him for what was happening on the pitch i never did work out, but even if there was the Personal abuse and rant was far far over the top.

Perhaps the Club should introduce the message that was played over the tannoy as the teans walked out and a few more strikeing notices put up to make People think a bit more may help, perhsps the Supporters Club may consider paying the cost as a matter of good will in order to appease those eho have resulted to cheap insults against what are a group of hard working individuals
Referring to the supporters club as nothing more than a travel club was a direct response to Dagger Newbie's suggestion that the supporters club should not get involved and it was up to individuals to take action. I apologise if my comments were misconstrued.

If the Solihull comments refer to me, we ALL had a good laugh at the flags. I did not tweet the photo of the flags and whilst I was handed stickers, I don't recall wearing them. It was also a low point as regards the club was concerned. I, as had others, been subject to search with a metal detector at a game which was 'low risk' and we were unsegregated.
I have since Eastleigh said how unhappy I was at the flags. and whilst many of us had a giggle, I really hope that we have seen the last of them at any game. They do not represent the club, nor do they represent the club going forward.
Auntie Merge since when did I say that the Supporters Club should not get involved I`m personally offended at what you have said and I`m sure the other committee members will be offended as well ,you seem to pick out what you too read and not take notice of my other postings that I have written on the subject.
I have spoken to Russell Elmes and he understood the context in which it was said.
I can’t account for you being offended though. I’m not the only person to pick up on
what you said yet you call me out. I think it is you who is being selective.
Either you are posting on here as a representative of the supporters club or you are not. You can’t say it is all up to individuals and then protest if others call you out on the supporters club not getting involved. By the way I do know the supporters club regularly have conversations with stewards etc.
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“By the way I do know the supporters club regularly have conversations with stewards etc”

How do you know unless you are a Steward or member of the supporters club committee?
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So Auntie Merge you and others are saying I`m not allowed to have a opinion of my own,the comment I made ( shown below ) is my own personal comment and the reason I`m offended is you/they have dragged the supporters club committee into the comment that I made where I never once indicated that I was speaking on behalf of the committee.

My comment :-
Re: Time for a change
Postby Daggernewbie » Thu Dec 28, 2017 8:28 am

There seem to be a few who are moaning about the swearing,songs and the abuse some of the players get.There is a simple answer don`t moan on here about it go and have a word with said supporters.
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Auntie Merge
Posts: 2205
Joined: Fri Oct 18, 2013 3:43 pm

InTheKnow wrote:“By the way I do know the supporters club regularly have conversations with stewards etc”

How do you know unless you are a Steward or member of the supporters club committee?
Because I talk to the supporters club committee.

@DaggerNewbie. If you don't want your posts to be taken as speaking from the supporters club then don't post under the same username that you use for all the supporters club posts.
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