Lincoln game on TV

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The amount of physical pressure they could exert for 90 minutes surprised me. It isn't pretty but they seem to have incredible energy considering how many games they've played. The pressing was still happening in the last minute. Not many teams will cope if they keep that up.
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What a difference 3 days makes!

For all the neat, fast flowing and exciting football we played on Saturday, we were tired, drab and predictable yesterday.

Of course we were up against better opposition, on their own patch and having Hawkins go off after just 20 mins with a broken arm didn’t exactly help the cause but I don’t think that really changed the outcome. The tone of the entire match was set in the 1st 60 seconds with Lincoln winning 2 corners and really, we just didn’t manage to get going at all.

The boys of course must be congratulated for the remarkable effort they have made all season but I still cant help feeling a bit deflated after last night.

Hey ho – on to Macclesfield we go!
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I quite liked the use of the air raid siren. Gives them something unique about their atmosphere. When they were singing that German bombers song though it was a bit stupid.
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Surely not the same German bombers song that has been sung at our ground. Amazed by the negative comments towards their style of play yesterday... Bossed the midfield, defended well and played to their strengths and our weaknesses with long balls and set pieces
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Their style of play has been our downfall all season. We have simply failed to cope with the direct physical sides all season. We're a very small side when you looked at the players in the area for corners they towered over our side. The same against Barrow, Gateshead both twice and away at Braintree.

Eastleigh were poor at the weekend and made us look good. How many times have we played well and dominated since all these injuries set in? 5 or 6 is my guess. All players fit and we are a very good team but we would still struggle against these types of sides. The effort and commitment is always there as you would expect but too many square pegs in rounds holes since November. Had the game been today as it should have been but for BT wankers we would not have had to change the team from Saturday. And how much TV money did we get £500 ******** laughable should have refused to play it and told BT to piss off.
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Auntie Merge
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That 'German bombing song'

Surely you don't mean The Dambusters theme?

My thoughts on the game:
We weren't in it at any time. We failed to show up. After 10 minutes it was as though we were already defeated. I don't know what our tactics were, but at no point did it feel like we had any intention of winning.
Full credit to Lincoln. It wasn't pretty, but they were strong and present for 90 minutes. That is what get clubs promoted.

No mention so far of the Lincoln players inciting our fans with their obscene gestures right in front of us on scoring, or the lack of action by their stewards. We may not have been many but this is the first time since that game at Aldershot away I have felt unsafe as a visiting supporter. Sitting us in front of the boxes who kept trying to aggravate us was not a good idea
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