What could the 20/21 season look like for fans.

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With the FA suggesting the 20/21 National League season could kick-off in September, I wondered
what the match day experience may look like for Daggers fans.
Obviously my thoughts are based on lots of assumptions.
If Social Distancing is still in place crowd numbers would need to be restricted.
So....Only home supporters allowed.
No standing, as applying distancing would be impossible once the match action hots up.
Seating – We have around 2000. Using every other seat would mean we could accommodate 1000
of us. With last season’s hard core support being 11/1200 this would seem reasonable, but if every other row also needed to be left empty then only around 500 would get in.
If we went down this route then attendees would need to be a season ticket holder. This would
help with compliance with the current Tract &Trace practices as the holders book number is printed on the slip handed in at the turnstile. Also, this would do away with cash handling, making it quicker to enter the ground.
Once in the ground – Refreshments, on a take-away basis would be available, although choices would probably be limited.
As for the bar under the stand (didn’t name it in case we have new sponsors) social distance practices applied in pubs and the Club house, would be apply.
Hope these musings can start the ball rolling and produce suggestions and alternatives.
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Think it will start mid-September at around third capacity and with standing allowed, this should allow most clubs to get in their usual crowds. Some clubs hardly have any seats so would be a struggle for them. The no away fans does not make sense as home fans have to travel to games via several connections, me included unless I drive and the parking restrictions now puts me off doing so.

Contactless payments is a must now, notes are filthy and will allow the club to get into the 21st century on that front, specially in the clubhouse.

There’s always plenty of space at our games so I don’t see us having any issues with it, but a lot can happen in a few weeks just look at Spain now.
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There will be standing. Ground could easily be marked, distancing could be managed by supporters and stewards. Is common sense too much to ask for that too happen

Seating is actually an issue to some extent especially in the Carling as long rows make it harder to get to a seat without passing someone

If we as Supporters can,'t be relied to make this work we don't deserve to be let in
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Hopefully at least a 25% capacity of 1500 is put in place for us. No on the gate admissions so we can’t go over the limit. Part of me hopes that we could actually pick up a few additional fans when there will be a lot of West Ham/Spurs/Arsenal fans unable to go and see their club due to similar crowd restrictions.

I can’t see standing being an issue, I get the idea of bunching when a goal is scored but you’ve just got to hope that everyone uses their head, wear masks, and no players do an Arber vs Burton.

Aside from that it’s probably time to temporarily say goodbye to paper programmes, the food/drinks bars, 50/50 tickets and away fans (to prevent home fans from missing out). Apparently the club are already looking at electronic turnstiles too which will make things easier for us.
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There must be conversations about live streaming games as well. Pay a subscription and all NL games are available to watch over the web. I know it doesn't replace being there live but I can see that being a lot more viable than relying on paying punters at the gate.

At what point does it just become non-viable to have spectators at all anyway?
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No away fans is more of a way of limiting numbers than limiting travel for me. Having all areas for home fans will help the spacing.

I think common sense is probably too much to ask, yes. I'd be quite concerned about the terracing as I doubt very much that any kind of distancing could or would be enforced. A lot of people don't agree with nor care about the rules, so you'd need a lot more stewards to police it effectively.
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Whatever happens it's inevitable that the matchday experience will be a drastic change to what we're accustomed to. However, having the opportunity to watch our team is something I'm sure we'd all take without hesitation.

No away fans is a blow. 33% capacity is a rumour that's been circulating and that wouldn't be a problem given that the majority of teams' average attendances fall below that level anyway.

We'll have to see what happens.
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Going to the test trial at Goodwood Saturday. Allowing 5000 people in . Areas marked out all over the Course but standing is allowed.

Can't see standing being an issue myself you will probably see the sieve marked like a teenagers face, surely you would get a several hundred on the terraces 2 meters apart . The Club can only do so much and its then upto Peoples common sense

When you consider People getting to and from the Ground is likely to be more dangerous then being in it then a little bit of perspective needs applying.

We had a Cricket Match and we will shortly see the Snooker with an audience.

Also see that France are starting to allow Spectatotors back in to Sporting events.

If October is the date for restart then all these events could see a lifting of restrictions as there is plenty of time to digest the data.
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We only had 1 crowd with more than 1,700 for the whole of last season, and that was Solihull when it was cheap tickets. So I don't see there being much of an issue. Nobody in our league gets near to filling out half capacity every game.
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Don't forget they'll be fans from the same households who don't need to keep distance from one another, only a small percentage like but all small things matter at the mo
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I'm sure most season ticket holders got the same email I did asking how big is your family of season ticket holders, do you want to come back next season, would you be happy to move seat to comply with social distancing and would you be happy to wear a mask within the ground at all times.

I think they are going to try and do similar as they are with Memphis. Fans there were happy with the measures. Article below has a little interview with Craig Unger too.
https://www.wmcactionnews5.com/2020/07/ ... ing%20risk.

I think if they tape the standing area and set some boxes that families/friends can fit within it could work. The rule in pubs is something like 6 people to a table only isn't it? They could try and set up something along them lines. It would be great if the bars and food bit had contactless, I've been to market stalls with contactless so you would think they could manage it.
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Diggerthedog wrote: Mon Jul 27, 2020 2:53 pm Think it will start mid-September at around third capacity and with standing allowed, this should allow most clubs to get in their usual crowds. Some clubs hardly have any seats so would be a struggle for them. The no away fans does not make sense as home fans have to travel to games via several connections, me included unless I drive and the parking restrictions now puts me off doing so.

Contactless payments is a must now, notes are filthy and will allow the club to get into the 21st century on that front, specially in the clubhouse.

There’s always plenty of space at our games so I don’t see us having any issues with it, but a lot can happen in a few weeks just look at Spain now.

Yeah, would be surprised if clubs have agreed to no away fans, that's potential matchday revenue, they would be throwing away, for no real reason.

Our hardcore home support last season was 1200, so the rumored 2000 (33%) limit, will do us fine.

There is loads of empty space in the ground, just manage the allocation correctly, and there is no reason to deny anyone access.
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