Should Still go. .

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I reckon John Still should just ****** Off, just like one of his Entourage/family members shouted at our fans by the tunnel at the end of the game. Imagine using your grand children as an excuse to not get some well deserved questions thrown at you.

Bye John.
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Diggerthedog wrote:I reckon John Still should just **** Off, just like one of his Entourage/family members shouted at our fans by the tunnel at the end of the game. Imagine using your grand children as an excuse to not get some well deserved questions thrown at you.

Bye John.
Imagine not standing by your family. Simple reaction to make. Silly comment from you. Plenty of reasons to slate him but that ain’t one.
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NBDag wrote:
Diggerthedog wrote:I reckon John Still should just **** Off, just like one of his Entourage/family members shouted at our fans by the tunnel at the end of the game. Imagine using your grand children as an excuse to not get some well deserved questions thrown at you.

Bye John.
Imagine not standing by your family. Simple reaction to make. Silly comment from you. Plenty of reasons to slate him but that ain’t one.
I thinks it's silly that his family slag off the people that given him a pretty comfortable life, never bite the hand that feeds you certainly don't tell people to ****** off. He earns £100k a year and is pretty shit at his job at present. His own captain has told him to ****** off.

Season is over he just needs to leave.

Bye John.
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Should he go? Definitely, but then again he should never have come back.
Even at our level, teams do actually do their homework and we are one of the easiest teams regarding set up, to play against. As mentioned already there isn't a plan B. To be fair there isn't much of a plan A either!
We never have the same settled side, players get dropped at the flick of a switch. The team has far to many players filling in for people at different positions which is alien to them, it's all a complete and utter shambles.
The messiah/dictator has to go, if ever there was evidence that he's lost the dressing room, it was shown today, players who once cared can't be bothered to perform anymore and Still is unable to motivate this group who at least on paper are more than capable of competing for top spot.
His outdated methods no longer work. We were a disgrace today and should have been butchered, how we got back to 2-1 today god only knows, Moors were nothing special, but we made them look like Germany.
Like I said before, it's a good job we have the points in the bag, because this mess of a team would be relegated and that I'm afraid is down to the manager.
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I think from today's showing we are nearing the end with him.

Football management isn't easy, but that was flat and gutless in its entirety. John was virtually silent even at 2-0 and the orders that were barked were almost impossible to execute, particularly in the last 10 where there's little space in the box and he's telling Nunn to throw to feet.

There were many things wrong today. Forget the drab weather, we were outplayed and outmuscled by a team showing real grit.

I'm sorry, Lokko and N'Gala - neither of them look any good. Shit would be a good word to describe them. Truly awful from start to finish, flat footed, ponderous, weak in the air and bossed around by players half their size.

We lack leadership in every department. Robson looked shell shocked and like a rabbit caught in the headlights. THAT is where we fail. No structure, no personal responsibility and no one next to underperforming players dragging them over the line.

What really puzzled me was that at 2-1 down we kept two holding midfielders. You'd expect them last ten minutes to be like the Alamo - blasting balls into the box and trying to get back into it, but we passed and passed and huffed and puffed and didn't do very much at all.

Ok, we all have off days; but the general consensus says it all to me. The side look unsettled, some players look complacent and their places assured regardless of performance and this isn't the first time. Jobs for the boys Spring to mind here. Players massively out of their natural roles while players warm the bench who would usually play in that role.

We know that the club likes to think they're punching above their weight; but we spend more time debating roofs and bars than actually trying to be professional in our work. NOT a dig at fans, a dig at the club.

All in all, we're going to be in this division for a while. The football league couldn't look further away at the moment. I don't buy the money claims for John for a single moment.

He loves the club and he came back for another go. This will be his last job in football. Would love to see him as a technical director at the club (Not director of football) and to have whoever comes in having John as a mentor.

Players have majorly let him down. They lack discipline and need to be pulled into line quick.

For some of those lot who think their big move is coming - they can forget it. Those players aren't proper 'Daggers'- they're Billy big bollocks attitude doesn't fit in with our ethos and a probably root of the problem. Poorly attempted stepovers and sulking aren't the sort of qualities that will have you further up the football pyramid any time soon...
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I assume, only a hunch that Stilly by now has amassed a more than decent pension pot. Especially whilst at Luton.

I have no proof or rumour but if I was in his position I would have invested some money into the club to possibly have a small control in “his” club regardless of when he ends his managerial career. He is too shrewd a man to walk away until his contract is up..
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