The Silent Protest

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Mike the Dagger
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Yesterday's protest got picked up by the media, and increased the pressure on the club to do something significantly.

Personally I'd have done it in the sieve and you might well have had a good few who weren't immediately involved join in with chants etc. It might not have been as visible, but it would have been louder and probably had larger numbers.

As for no one acosting Tommo, he generally sneaks round the back of the sieve sometime 15 minutes or so into the game. As my main priority is still to watch the tripe being served up by my team on the field of play it has been a long time since I actually saw him there. He knows my views though, as has done for a year.

Keep up the fight.
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Arnu, genuine question...

Can I ask what else you think the mini protest did achieve if not telling Wayne & the club that we're finally sick to the back teeth of him and the dross of a team we have (as was the actual intention)
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What about something simple like everybody turning their backs on the game for a couple of minutes?

Might not sound much but it would get a bit of press and create a bit of a distraction if everyone did it at the same time and tweeted/ facebook'd whatever at the same time.

Thommo and his goons can't kick everyone out can they?
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dagger4eva wrote:Sussex – I have a feeling Digger was pulling your leg in that lost post.
I liked your post though – you’re bang on the money tbh. Despite the differing views (you’ll turn eventually) I always thoroughly enjoy your company and the opportunity to wind you up about it all and I definitely would have thought less if you all of a sudden decided you couldn’t stand with us as a result.
In turn, I don’t have a problem with you or anyone else that should have a differing view, that was the worst thing about the scuffle that broke out afterwards. Those who did feel the need to finally voice their feelings to Burnett and the club should be respected too – if not agreed with.

I’ll still be there long after Wayne & Cronies have buggered off in to the sunset even if I did decide not to attend the game this Saturday.
As for the silent protest with Steve – I’m not quite sure what you meant by it but I took it as people are just bored to high heavens of his excuses and general level of talking-bollockness so decided to merely ignore him.
Respect to him for continuing to do his walk but I’m afraid he’s onto a loser if he thinks we will lick his arse like most other people in the club seem so keen to do.
Thanks D4E . A bit like Arnu a lot of my comments are tongue in cheek .

See there is another failure to add to the 203 names you spoke of yesterday Dickie Dosh has got the bullet at Cambridge.

Even tho I must admit that he does sound a bit more like it , hang on tho did he not have the biggest budget any Cambridge Mananager has had .

No on second thoughts you can add him to the Lists of failures which looks even more impressive by the week.

You turn if you like but this mans not for turning.

See you Saturday
dave seagull
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Sussex Reply re: 3.09pm to diggerthedog.

Great response mate...hats off to you.
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Diggerthedog wrote:
SUSSEX DAGGER wrote:Have the gates dropped by 200-300

1700 home gate yesterday.

1600 v Hartlepool

All things considered think they have held up fairly well.

Don't seem much of a protest to me , look forward to seeing you all for Manchester United at home in the 3rd round or will your protest be unconditional.
Glad to see you with the protesters Yesterday Sussex.
Look I fully understand your frustration and I even support your right to make your voices heard, but if you cant distinguish with being by a Person's side against being on their side then I really think that's a matter for your own interpretation of events.

I have stood with those People on numerous occasions and we have exchanged friendly banter about events for many , many months, going back to Wayne's first season. We do not agree on the solution to the current situation, they do however make me welcome when ever I choose to stand amongst them .

Just because I don't agree 100% with their views it does not mean that I have to avoid them . Each and everyone of them are loyal supporters who like you have a right to express their views.

Now something's are more important to me then a performance of a struggling league two football Club, I value the friendship and comradeship that we have built up and I value it much higher then a difference of opinion we have over this issue.

Whatever happens I know they will be there next season where ever we end up and I have no doubt if the worse comes to the worse I will be subjected to a lot of piss taking. That's all part of the package for me .

What I will never accept is the need for People to turn hostile , it was a matter of profound regret that some People could not participate in a friendly exchange of views and as a result things turned a little nasty yesterday.

The People who participated in yesterdays protest are decent honest People who I have enjoyed and look forward to continue to enjoy the same passion we all share, Dagenham and Redbridge Football Club.

Those same People I am sure would defend my right to hold the views I do and would not think much of me if I suddenly avoided them. Over the next few weeks I will no doubt be subjected to any amount of banter and piss taking and If the football isn't much at least I can always say that I have spent my season in the best of company.

The silent protest did however take a new twist yesterday , as is the norm Steve Thompson joined us on the Terrace about 20 minutes into the game and yet there was not a murmur from anybody who was standing in the vicinity who later joined in the protest.

So it really was a silent protest at that stage.
Was pulling your leg as D4E said Sussex but whole heartedly agree with everything you said. Regardless of what league we are in we will all be back chatting as normal.
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dagger4eva wrote:Arnu, genuine question...

Can I ask what else you think the mini protest did achieve if not telling Wayne & the club that we're finally sick to the back teeth of him and the dross of a team we have (as was the actual intention)
As you asked nicely.....I don't think it told him anything new.It didnt tell him "We're" sick of him,it didnt speak for me and many others.It did say A handfull of supporters have had enough of him,Id guess largely the ones that didn't ever want him here in the 1st place.It told him(And me at least) that until we were 2-0 down nobody did a thing so I wonder if we'd have won would it have happened at all.I think the A4 bits of paper would have stayed in the owners pockets personally.I saw maybe 12-15 signs which could not be read from the halfway line but it didn't stretch my imagination as to what they were saying,I saw a flag saying SOS behind the goal that moved to the corner near the end and above the away dugout a sign with Burnett out on it.I remained quiet on the subject at the time but could hear quite a few around me comment that it was unnecessary,out of order and one bloke exclaimed "stupid wankers"(bit strong imo but its a free country)

I believe its your right to protest/be fed up/and call for a new manager,done it myself before now so cant really criticise.But to say that little section were speaking for the majority is a bit far fetched.Theres mixed opinion and a feeling we should get behind the bloke and the team at least during the game.

I concede that it got the attention of the press and everyone in the ground,I think it did nothing to give any confidence to the team who I thought put on a brave show. Possibly if there had been 2-300 signs instead of 12 might have been a bit more impact or a message to take more seriously.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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