OT Scottish Referendum

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I know this should probably go under the other Forum section but they don't seem to be too widely used.

Anyway, next Thursday the Scots have their chance to remain or seperate from the U.K.

How do you think they will vote and how would you prefer they voted??

I'm not sure how big an impact them leaving will have on us in England, especially within the South East but perhaps that is in fact one of the reasons a lot of them actually want out now.....

Regardless of the outcome - there is something about Alex Salmond I just cannot stand. Smary & slimey in the extreme!
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Masked Man
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I'd love them to leave just to stick two fingers up to Westminster and say 'we don't want your laws', and to make Camoron's legacy as the bloke who ****** up the Union....

But, I fear they will opt out and leave England as a Tory stronghold and not enough opposition to ever get rid of them.....
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They have their own, flag, bank notes, parliament and national anthem so please do remind me again why they are leaving? Cheaper booze?
bloke down the pub
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It might stop Celtic banging on about joining the premiership.
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Im convinced it would be unwise for them to leave the Union.However I do have sympathy for them (The Scottish) in that they only get a labour government if England votes Labour.Scotland currently has 1 tory MP out of a possible 59 seats.They have 11 Lib Dems and all the rest are either labour or SNP.Whatever your political persuasion it cannot be right that they get a Tory Government with only 1 tory constituency.I fear that the reason they'll leave is to have a pop at Cameron rather than because they want to leave.In short,had labour been in government the No vote would be far higher than it would be next week.

As I cannot stand Cameron the only positive outcome of Scotland leaving is that he'd have to resign his job with immediate effect.I have voted Conservative before but this current bunch of C***S cannot persuade me they are doing any thing positive for me.I cant vote Milliband either though I did vote for Blair.That just leaves UKIP as a protest and I aint particularly fond of them either.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
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I totally get your point about it being right that they have to 'tolerate' a Tory Government when the Scottish people clearly only support Labour or SNP.

Not sure Scotland would / should meant Cameron would "have" to resign.....

And whether you like or hate Cameron, Osborne and Clegg, it would be foolish imo not to recognise the good job they & the coalition are doing in correcting the complete and utter mess left behind by the previous regime.... would it not??

*Edit: By the way - I voted UKIP in the last, recent elections... un-decided whether I would go same way during the next generals...
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If they vote to go, so be it, let them go.

We have a problem over here with the French in Quebec. Since I've been here (40 years) (and it's been ongoing long before that) all I've heard is how bad the people in Quebec have it due to the English government the 9 other Provinces voted in. The Canadian Government has spent billions and billions of dollars of the 9 other Provinces money trying to keep those pricks happy and little has changed.

As a result we have 2 official languages (see history of China to see how well that worked), everything has to be bi-lingual and to be employed in most Federal government roles, you need to be able to speak French, even in BC on the other side of the country from Quebec. Oh, and the rest of Canada supports Quebec as the Province is totally bankrupt and always has been. In short, they could not organize a piss up in a brewery.

And you know what, it is never enough. Methinks you are about to go down the same path as Canada no matter what the result. Simply put, if they vote to go, let them, then it is done with. If the vote is to stay, you face years of people continuing the fight to separate and they will never be happy regardless.
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Auntie Merge
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I think the vote will be no. Some people I know who run Scottish businesses are potential yes voters but will vote no because most of their business is done in England and they are not sure how they will fare if the yes vote wins. They are concerned that the rest of the UK will decide not to trade with them, as in a 'you made your decision now get lost' kind of way. There isn't enough business in Scotland to sustain them.

On the news a couple of people interviewed said about the current government 'we didn't vote them in' - well the rest of the UK can say exactly the same, we never voted for the coalition either.

What I don't like is the way the media is stirring up a lot of anti-unionist feeling and potential racism. I'll be glad when the vote is in and hopefully we can get back to some sort of normality and other depressing sorts of news.
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dagger4eva wrote:I totally get your point about it being right that they have to 'tolerate' a Tory Government when the Scottish people clearly only support Labour or SNP.

Not sure Scotland would / should meant Cameron would "have" to resign.....

And whether you like or hate Cameron, Osborne and Clegg, it would be foolish imo not to recognise the good job they & the coalition are doing in correcting the complete and utter mess left behind by the previous regime.... would it not??

*Edit: By the way - I voted UKIP in the last, recent elections... un-decided whether I would go same way during the next generals...

Hate was perhaps a strong word."Dislike a lot of the policies of" would be more fitting.I didn't vote Brown because of the so called mess they were making/left behind.I don't disagree entirely with all Camerons policies by the way,but I certainly think he's/they've gone the wrong way about certain issues(Bedroom tax must be a bummer for those that are affected by it for one).For the sheer devilment of it and protest reasons I did vote for Farage in the European elections,what choice did I have.Not happy with either Tory or labour at the moment,anything else would have been a waste of time.At least it put the shits up the 2 main parties to get their fingers out.

As for the resignation of Cameron.I think you are wrong.If Scotland left the Union his position would be under immense scrutiny and there would be immense pressure for him to go.This would have happened on his watch,his tactics would have had a huge bearing on the result.Equally if they stay in the Union then he would be safe from that pressure.This would apply to whoever was prime minister.You only have to scan the newspapers/internet to find this opinion from much more qualified commentators than me.But its all rather interesting.
Bollix to Shampoo, it's real poo we want !
Ilford Dagger
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I reckon they will vote 'No' narrowly & stay within the Union - let's face it they are onto a good thing with England effectively subsidising their lifestyle to our detriment. What I don't like is that Scottish MPs decide what happens in England but the reverse doesn't apply, Labour need Scotland to stay in as they rely on Scottish Labour MPs, the Tories only have 1 Scottish MP so that won't affect them too much, God help us on a larger scale next year if Labour get in & undo all the clearing up of the last mess that the Coalition are still involved in.
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I don't know if People appreciate the consequences that could occur if Scotland do vote to withdraw from the Union.

The Markets will react in some way and one thing that financial Markets don't like is uncertainty. This week saw millions wiped of the value of Scottish Companies on the basis of one opinion poll. They may be Scottish Companies but there is a lot of money tied up in them and it isn't all Scottish.

A run on the pound will leave a lot of People vulnerable. Those of us old enough to remember Black Wednesday remember all to well that the only defence we had was the hike in interest rates to defend the currency.

Ok at the time the Pound was in the ERM and things this time will be markedly different, however I cant Imagine the Bank Of England not taking action should the pound become unstable and interest rates are a big weapon in their armoury.

There is a lot of People who will not be able to sustain even a rise in interest of 1% let alone the huge hikes that we saw on Black Wednesday when rates were going up by the hour.

With bank rates at an all time low one thing that the Bank of England can not do is cut base rates to make the pound attractive should the reverse occur and they need to make pound sterling more attractive.

Cant help but think how arrogant us English are ,the attitude of f... em let them go they do not like it, an all to common a comment I have heard and one born out of total ignorance of how the economic foundations of our currency is structured.

Listening on Radio 4 yesterday you could not help but think that their is a large percentage of Scots with long memories. They remember what Thatcher did to their Industrial base, they remember the awful poll tax that was inflicted upon them for the longest part of its failed history, they have seen the liquid gold of North Sea Oil taken from their shores and wasted and have suffered sustain attacks upon their living standards with welfare reforms imposed on them by a Government with no mandate. As one Person interviewed said yesterday Can we really do any worse.

Along with a host of other problems a break up will cause I for one hope that we all stay together cos I dread to think of the situation we could find ourselves in next Friday morning.
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dagger4eva wrote:I totally get your point about it being right that they have to 'tolerate' a Tory Government when the Scottish people clearly only support Labour or SNP.

Not sure Scotland would / should meant Cameron would "have" to resign.....

And whether you like or hate Cameron, Osborne and Clegg, it would be foolish imo not to recognise the good job they & the coalition are doing in correcting the complete and utter mess left behind by the previous regime.... would it not??

*Edit: By the way - I voted UKIP in the last, recent elections... un-decided whether I would go same way during the next generals...
What the complete and utter mess caused by the Casino Bankers who are all loyal card carrying members of the Labour Party.
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I'm quite pissed off that us English cant vote in this referendum, we are all part of the union and so we should all have a say on wether or not the jocks go it alone, personnely I would vote for them to go, they dont like us so why should we tollerate them!
Lets see how they fare with giving free university places and free perscriptions when the westminster cash machine stops giving them the money to do so, will give westminster more money to house those poor people from the war torn middle east.

(stands back and waits for incoming abuse lol)
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BB-Dagger wrote:I'm quite pissed off that us English cant vote in this referendum, we are all part of the union and so we should all have a say on wether or not the jocks go it alone, personnely I would vote for them to go, they dont like us so why should we tollerate them!
Lets see how they fare with giving free university places and free perscriptions when the westminster cash machine stops giving them the money to do so, will give westminster more money to house those poor people from the war torn middle east.

(stands back and waits for incoming abuse lol)
I actually strongly agree with your post (the 1st part at least)

This is such a crucial decision that will effect every single person in the Union so for the Scots alone to be making the call completely on their own doesn't seem right or fair.

FWIW - if I had the chance to vote - i'd definitely vote to keep them together. I know it's the saying but I truly believe we are "better together".
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